I certainly hope it's not true, but it seems cameras are popping up all over the place now so it's not so much of a stretch. I think there's a duality in this. One may argue that people are just paranoid about stuff like this, while at the same time, it begs the question: What has happened to society that such a possibility has become so readily acceptable as being real? Expectations are built upon past occurrences after all, and increasing government intrusion in private life is very much real. Maybe the question should be, why is something like this so damned plausible now? What has happened to the world that such things are even conceivable?
It's not much better in the US, either. One look at the Obama administration shows more government control inflicted upon private industry in his first 100 days in office than happened during all of Bush's 8 years, and it's only the start of what looks like a push for governmental control over just about everything. I just have to wonder why there has not been as much vocal opposition to what has transpired so far. Where are all the "Bush haters" that were terrified of Bush and Cheney taking over the world? Now that someone is actually doing it, I'm hearing only opposition from the right. Is control not control regardless of who is pulling the puppet strings? I must assume then that for some, government control over their lives is OK so long as they like the person doing the controlling. If the opposition is only to the person in office, and not to the principle itself, well that's a problem in my eyes. Leaders come and go, but lost liberties are damned hard to get back.