no, by promode i only mean physics(aircontrol enabled), not a whole mod like cpma.
there is vq3 (no aircontrol) (heres an example , notice how he needs to stop, to turn in other direction - thats because there is no aircontrol)
and promode(means aircontrol enabled) is like the opposite to vq3 (heres an example of 'promode' that i mean ) actually this is called 'cpm physics' in defrag, but when playing quake3 osp mod, votable command to enable aircontrol is called 'callvote promode 1', so thats why i said 'promode' instead of 'cpm'. I do NOT ask for cpm physics for all generations, i asked if its possible to introduce 7th (if im not mistaken, correct me if im wrong) generation into this mod, which would be same good old quake3 based one (you can just copy everything from the current 'quake3 based one' which is already in generations arena, just being able to jump on cpm physics, while the vq3 one would still be selectable. The difference between two generations could be that new 'cpm' one would have NO bfg whatsoever, and old vq3 based one would still have it. So new one would be the 'runner' quake3 class, and old one would be damaging one.
to sum up what i just wrote, concerning my 2nd request about 'promode' - actually i asked if its possible to introduce +1 quake3 selectable generation into the generations arena mod, which would use cpm physics to move, instead of vq3 ones which is currently used by a quake3 generation in this mod. Actually such a generation could have 1 slight difference comparing to 'vq3 physics q3 generation' (which is currently present in mod) - cpm based one could have no bfg avaliable to use, would make sense since bfg is not usable on any competitive maps, and good old vq3-generation could have bfg.
sorry for confusing, i hope we understand each other
Anyways, this alone
Clan Arena stuff is possible.
will make me and like 10-20 of my buds (atleast) - play this mod like 12/7
Can't wait to try out