This thread is about a year and a half old at this point, but since the sentiment is there, I'll just add to it. And ignore that 120 day warning. Stupid red text.
(Also, I noticed Phoenix's name in the users online box and wanted to assure that this is actually me, and not a bot in a compromised account. I know that happens on still-existing forums sometimes.

I've been going through a bout of "FPS games are awesome, actually" again and it made me want to check up on GenArena. The site was just timing out when I tried to load it for about a week, and I feared the worst; I certainly would have understood if things had gone bye-bye in the ~3 years since I last checked in.
Glad to sse those fears were unfounded, whatever the actual cause was. You're an absolute legend, Pho. And nice to see Tab remembers the place, too, whether or not he sees this at some point.