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Author Topic: Generations Arena .99d Gold!  (Read 5073 times)
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Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« on: 2003-12-11, 05:15 »

WireHead Studios  is proud to announce the latest version of its Generations Arena Quake3 modification, version 0.99d! Bringing together the all of id Software's games, Generations Arena is a blast from the past...in the present!

Players can charge high speed as a Doom Warrior, perform 180 mid-air turns as a Slipgater, feel the kick-back of the beautiful, spiral-trailed railgun of the Strogg Troopers, chew enemies to tiny bits with the dual gatling guns of the Earth Soldiers, or bring the pain with a gauntlet, courtesy of the Arena Gladiators.

The new version will go live at 9pm EST on Thursday, December 11th. The files can be found at the Generations Arena homepage, and servers can be found via server browsers, the in-game menu, or at our servers page, located at http://www.wireheadstudios.org/generations/servers.php
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