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Author Topic: Doom II Entryway map (and Strogg map: City Palace (W.I.P.))  (Read 87827 times)
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Thomas Mink

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« Reply #120 on: 2009-08-29, 17:01 »

Nothing really annoys me about the map and item layout. Both versions offer a similar, yet unique experience.. but the custom layout is starting to grow on me.

Testing with other people would probably be a lot better though, I agree.

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #121 on: 2009-08-29, 18:38 »

Map is now available on Phoenix's Generations Server.  Just /callvote map tabd2map01 for the balanced version, and /callvote map tabd2map01_pure for the purist version.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #122 on: 2009-08-29, 23:12 »

So far the what really seems to bug me on the non-pure version is the item arrangement in and around the room that would normally have the shotgun, rocket launcher, and BFG.  The mega health being up there in a spawn area means someone's going to spawn with a lot of health and not much for a weapon, or get a heavily-armed player in their face looking for a powerful item.  Does the map really even need the megahealth?  We have a regen that spawns near the red armor, and there's plenty of health packs floating around.  It seems counter-intuitive to place it there if players are going to spawn in there.

Some suggestions for alteration in that area... I'd remove the 50 health from the chainsaw spawn point and replace that with a bullet box.  Swap the shotgun ammo on the lower BFG spawn with a 25 point health pack, same with the box of bullets, and replace the megahealth with either a shotgun or rocket launcher weapon, preferably a rocket launcher.  I think the grenade launcher should be moved to the chaingun's original spawn and the 25 point healthpack in that corner nixed.  This arrangement would do a few things.  First, it would give an alternative to the hallway spawn as the only rocket launcher on the map.  Someone spawning on the ledge in the former-BFG-room will have more of a fighting chance to get out.  Second, the healthpacks being on the lower floor will not make the room such a deathtrap to enter back into, and will give more impetus for players in the hallway to enter back into the room.  It also gives you an escape from the hall other than ducking into the Blue Room.  That, combined with the spawn having a rocket launcher, will make for more encounters in that room.  Putting the GL in the hall where the chaingun would normally be will give someone fighting in the hall some kind if gun if stuck between the big spawn room and the blue room, and I think more grenade action will be seen spawning it there.  Right now, having it on the stairs it doesn't get as much action as it could.  I know with the Thunderbolt spawning there in the pure version it has a huge impact on hallway fights.  I also would reduce the timer on the plats in the blue room to 1 minute or 30 seconds.  Two minutes just seems a bit long.  I think shortening the timer would add some variety to the action in that room.

Other than that, the item arrangement on the map is good.  The exit area is about perfect.  Moving the LG into the exit room makes it dangerous to go for, but also rewarding, the yellow armor is a plus in that secret door, and having the red armor outside with the regen makes the outdoors a powerful area but also dangerous to go after as everyone is going to hear that switch thrown and know what you're doing.  Gameplay from the blue room into the exit room is damned nice once I got used to the item placement.  Regarding the lack of BFG... For normal Q3 it makes sense to leave it out.  Normal Gen play, Earthers can still bring a BFG into play by dying with dualgats out, so I'm fine with a BFG not spawning on the map once I got everything into context.

I have some ideas for a "tourney" version of the item placement.  The way you have the entry room arranged right now are more in line with what I'd expect to see in a tourney map.  In fact, in a tourney version I'd keep players from spawning on the MH ledge at all.  A grenade, rocket, or trick-jump would be required to get the MH, and being a blind pocket it's dangerous to go after in a 1 vs 1, so it would be perfect arranged like that.  I'd thin out the items on the ledges in the blue room, maybe putting only two shards on each box, so ammo is more scarce in there.  I'd also move the LG to the regen/haste spawn so you have to go outdoors to get it.  I'd also kill the yellow armor in the secret door, replacing it with something like lightning ammo, restore the plasma gun to its normal spot and put a plasma ammo box on the pad where the lightning ammo currently rests.  The red armor spawn is fine where it is, as it's a counter to the MH.

Visually I haven't bugchecked anything, but I love the appearance of the map.  The pure version is about perfect.  No complaints, lighting is lovely, and it's a blast to play.
  Doom - Thumbs Up!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #123 on: 2009-09-01, 18:24 »

Alpha 4 available here:

Very slightly updated version for Q3W feedback, here:
« Last Edit: 2009-09-01, 19:44 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Posts: 143

« Reply #124 on: 2009-09-01, 19:23 »

Beta2 link is broken.

Damn it ate my post, so again.

Timers for gates and "lift" feels good, but:
With 6 random (2x E, D, A)bots  there is too many rockets in air, I would change starter area RL for invis/lost soul randomly swapping, and box of shells and grenades instead of bullets and rockets. That would give most of classes respawning there single shoty and/or handgrenade to deal with guy searching for powerup.

In blue room with lifts, YA and Double barrel sg, could use small box of health opposite corner to secret, as I felt helpless running away low on hp form hallway massacre.
And a small box of plasma, somewhere between GL and "secret RL" or it's just my feeling getting 20 doom cells from blue room not much to actually hit dodging guy(bot).

And for RA outdoors, powerup could have timer decreased, as for little over 20 minutes of game i felt disappointed not seeing it with the those bullets I got hit, the way to and from opening switch, and that box of shells could be there too, as Phoenix mentioned in now non existing post.

And thats from me so far.  Doom - Thumbs Up!
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #125 on: 2009-09-01, 19:40 »

Six bots plus one live player is rather heavy on people.  You do realize this map was originally a 1 vs 1 and max 4 player DM for Doom 2, right?  It's not meant for a super large player load.  Try playing with a few less bots, maybe 3-4 and see how it feels.

And yes, link is broken.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #126 on: 2009-09-01, 19:44 »

Link fixed.

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Posts: 143

« Reply #127 on: 2009-09-01, 21:11 »

Okay, had another 25 minutes with 3 bots this time Earth Doom Strogg this time, and I had similar feeling.

Staring area as only close place with health boxes, has most certainly low health problem solved with rocket in the face. And thats the only reason to get there.
From respawning point of view with only 4 players, you just get RL jump off and almost unnoticed and undamaged you get GL, or RL in case of Earth and Doom.
 So i'm still up for invis/soul with shells and grenades there, as little counter to RA reg/haste, and one small healthbox in blue/lift room.

 Cells/Big nail box let's say at center of 5point health packs (forgot their name) in front of secret RL, wouldn't ruin much.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #128 on: 2009-09-02, 18:53 »

Found a bug.  There's a warning that prints at the beginning of level load:

27830 files in pk3 files
WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable
WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable
WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable
WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable
WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable
WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable
WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable
WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable
Loading vm file vm/qagame.qvm.
VM file qagame compiled to 2129150 bytes of code
qagame loaded in 20018528 bytes on the hunk
------- Game Initialization -------

It's way up in the top of the text.  Easiest way to find it is to do a /condump filename.txt and look at the console dump.  This happens in VQ3 as well as Generations.  The warning message in the source code says it's something that should "never happen".  Apparently it has to do with generating the .bsp tree from patches.  It's producing a value of "-1" for the gridplanes.  This seems to have been there since alpha1.  Sorry I missed it before.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #129 on: 2009-09-02, 20:58 »

Aye, I know about this. It is treated by experienced mappers as "not a real problem". I have no idea how to fix it, other than by a long and annoying process of elimination for all the brushes/patches in the map. Doesn't seem to affect anything, so I've just decided to live with it.

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #130 on: 2009-09-03, 00:40 »

Good to know it's not anything serious.  Doom - Thumbs Up!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #131 on: 2009-09-04, 12:11 »

Got me some more feedback:

Quote from: AEon
Presently I think the pure version plays a bit better because the heath is better placed.

Since your default version has a certain level of "liberty", here some radical ideas for a "remake", I know are not going to happen, but it was fun coming up with them Slipgate - Smile:

      • Downsize the two outside areas, using the red line as an outer limit, just cutting down the amount grass or acid water.
      • In the starting area, to the left of the stairs create door to the acid, put a walkway into the "flat" acid, to keep the player safe. Acid area open up the other wall leading the the main outdoors.
      • Enlarge the exit room, connect it with the ante-chamber to the RL.
      • Cut out a significant chunk of the blue room, to make it smaller.
      • BG in grass outdoors, LG in acid area.

      OK, enough fun... on the non-pure layout... that could IMO be slightly changed compared to your pure version, not just weapons:

      • Personally I liked the large amount of 5H in the RL ante-chamber. The 3x5H are not enough health, IMO... place 2x25H additionally.
      • Placing the health next to the weapons, IMO, is not so good, better to place them in corners of the map, and in the main corridors (near one of the walls).
      • Not so sure about the GL placement... SG here may be better, and the GL in the blue room.
      • Add more player respawns, especially in the outdoor area.
      • Add at least one SG and some other weapon, e.g. the RG in the outdoor area. Presently the outdoor area with the Regen and RA is useless, you don't live long enough to get there Slipgate - Wink. This would start outdoor fights as well.
      • For the un-pure version I'd keep the door to the outside open, always.
      • SP start area, let the player get up there again, with some clipping.
      • Add one more step to the steps were the PG resides, this way the player can actually look out of the window.
      • I like the stone step deco outdoors... more of that, maybe some broken down ruins (basically just some tattered walls), would help take cover outdoors plus look nice.
      • A few areas are still very dark, e.g. SP starting area (with the stairs) and the PG room.
      • Love the wood work on the ceiling the the PG room BTW.
      I should stop wanting to meddle with maps that are not my own... sorry Slipgate - Smile

      Any thoughts on these points here?

      Obviously I'm not going to change the structure of the map (too much, anyway).
      Some of the points in the list seem like a pretty good idea to me. Least I can do is whip up yet another alpha and see how it compares in gameplay.

      Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
      Bird of Fire

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      Posts: 8806

      « Reply #132 on: 2009-09-04, 16:57 »

      His "radical" ideas are actually somewhat similar to the overall flow of Dwango5Map01 (Doom 2 remix map, heavily overplayed on Zdaemon), without the 5 million Combat Shotguns scattered through the level.  Would be interesting to see as a remix at some point perhaps.  Focusing on the list... here's my highly opinionated response.  Slipgate - Wink

          *  Personally I liked the large amount of 5H in the RL ante-chamber. The 3x5H are not enough health, IMO... place 2x25H additionally.
      I don't really have a problem with a reduced health amount in the RL room at the end of the hall.  Having it on the side walls, to me, makes sense because you'll duck there to avoid fire anyway.  Shouldn't it be a bit hazardous to go for the powerful guns?  I think if anything just adding two more 5 point health spheres would be enough so that there's 3 per side.  Upping the total health available to 70 health is too much I think.

          * Placing the health next to the weapons, IMO, is not so good, better to place them in corners of the map, and in the main corridors (near one of the walls).
      I think he's referring to the LG and PG respectively.  The placement felt a little odd at first, but honestly, in that room the health is of benefit when you're getting shot by machinegun-level weapons and are retreating to get a better gun.  If you need the big health, it's available on the lift.  I can't think of any other spots where health is close to the weaponry.  As for putting health in the main corridors, that just doesn't feel right to me.  That's where most of the fragging is going to take place and having the health there just seems kind of pointless.  You want something to draw players into the rooms and move the fights around.  Corridors on a lot of maps I've seen are rarely item heavy unless it's low-point items like shards or small point healths, but since the corridors are a central focal point of this map as opposed to just connections between more important areas, I think they're better off being more spartan.

          * Not so sure about the GL placement... SG here may be better, and the GL in the blue room.
      That's something I had thought about, but that blue room has always been the primary shotgun spawn on the map.  Grenades aren't as useful in big wide rooms, either.  I know this is the non-pure version, but the shotty just feels better staying put, especially when you consider that for Doom and Earth that's a rocket launcher.  I think that would completely screw up the flow of the map.

          * Add more player respawns, especially in the outdoor area.
      The bad thing about spawning outdoors is the doorway is a chokepoint, and you have weapons in the room you're going to have to run into.  You'll be facing opponents with a spawn-level weapon that are probably toting a plasma gun or lightning gun that are looking for the red armor.  Unless a weapon spawn is placed outside, that seems like a "bad luck" place to spawn.  You might get the red armor only to get plastered trying to get into the building to grab a weapon.  If player spawns were to go out there, I would want to see something like a shotgun out there as well.  It would have to be a double-barreled shotgun and not a "boomstick" since this version needs to be VQ3 compatible.  I think spawning outside will cut down on the switch usage a lot though, and right now that's part of the map's gimmick, especially with the global switch noise.  That sound alone will guarantee outdoor fights when real players are in the mix and not just bots.  Why destroy that?

          * Add at least one SG and some other weapon, e.g. the RG in the outdoor area. Presently the outdoor area with the Regen and RA is useless, you don't live long enough to get there Slipgate - Wink. This would start outdoor fights as well.
      I completely disagree here.  Railgun would ruin the map, especially placing a rail next to red armor and a powerup.  That's handing the best players on the map a huge advantage, and the average Quaker is going to get their ass handed to them once the top dog gets that combo - especially if player spawns were placed outside... and really, does every Q3 map have to have a railgun?

      The regen and RA is not useless as it is, either.  Real players will go for them, and as for bots, they don't go for them, but I've had no trouble getting past them and out there to get those items.  Once acquired, you can dish out a hell of a lot of damage, especially Earth or Arena grabbing the yellow armor in the closet as well.  Dual gats with 150 armor + regen and a flamethrower for backup is a force to be reckoned with.  In addition, for a 1 vs 1 match, controlling items is a key part of the game.  Making powerful items tricky to get helps balance out the tank/spawnkill-dominate factor by putting an element of danger.  The window plus the chokepoint door means you have cost vs benefit to think of.  As for Slipgate, well, depends on the player, like any class.  I don't think Slipgaters will destroy the ability to get out there and grab the armor.  I think more that they'll try to do so themselves.

          * For the un-pure version I'd keep the door to the outside open, always.
      Nobody will ever use the lift then.  Do we just want easy access to powerful items?  If the door must stay open, then there needs to be some reason to go up the lift other than going for the switch, but again, you lose that element of the map.

          * SP start area, let the player get up there again, with some clipping.
      Again, why?  There are other weapons to get to, that's meant to be a one-way spawn, otherwise it's back to removing the player spawn and put MH or something up there and/or getting spawnkilled and pissed off.

          * Add one more step to the steps were the PG resides, this way the player can actually look out of the window.
      Aesthetically I'm not sure this would work.  The area looks nice as it is, and feels balanced out for the plasma gun spawning there.  Besides, you can actually jump up to the window ledge without any trouble.  Reachability isn't the issue, I think it's just a matter of taste.

          * I like the stone step deco outdoors... more of that, maybe some broken down ruins (basically just some tattered walls), would help take cover outdoors plus look nice.
      It looks fine to me the way it is.  Right now the stones emphasize the item placement as opposed to being just decoration.  They draw visual attention to the item spawns.  I think this is a matter of taste for Tabby's discretion, but personally I think sometimes less is better.

          * A few areas are still very dark, e.g. SP starting area (with the stairs) and the PG room.
      I turned up my brightness a bit and it helped, but the light could be upped in those rooms about 10% or so I think.  It is pretty dark.

          * Love the wood work on the ceiling the the PG room BTW.
      Damned right, it looks great in there.  Agree 100% there.

      Edit:  I should also add that I'm looking at this from the perspective of comparing gameplay of a balanced version of the map vs the original, with wanting to keep the overall flow of the original map intact.  I'm assuming a balanced version is just a toned-down version of the original as far as intent goes toward gameplay as opposed to a radical redesign.  I'm always going to err on the side of caution regarding radical changes when a remake of a classic map is involved.  It's the same approach I take with suggestions regarding changes to Gen - I'm going to put the bar damned high for convincing me why I should change something that was part of the original game.  Map01 is to Doom like Q2DM1 is to Quake 2.  I'm not sure what Aeon's perspective is as I don't know his gaming experience.  I'm not saying his points are invalid, just how I see them in regards to a classic map vs a completely new, completely original level.
      « Last Edit: 2009-09-04, 17:12 by Phoenix » Logged

      I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
      Thomas Mink

      Beta Tester
      Icon of Sin
      Posts: 920


      « Reply #133 on: 2009-09-04, 17:59 »

      Leaving the door open is actually something I thought about suggesting before, even back when I first played the map. I never said anything about it, because I also knew it would make the lift just about useless.. save for the health on top of it.. but actually going up the lift wouldn't be required at all. Maybe a personal teleporter or medkit?

      I also agree that a railgun would ruin the map, especially if placed outside like was suggested.. but I also agree that going out there feels somewhat wasted. Getting the items is a nice bonus, but you have to pull away from the main battle area somewhat to go out there.

      The rest, I pretty much agree with Pho.

      Keep in mind, I still have yet to play with any actual players.. so I'm still chewing on the bots. I imagine, players might actually go for the items outside, and might actually care when you push the button.. perhaps even making a b-line to ninja the items after it gets pressed. Slipgate - Smile

      EDIT: Remembered this was supposed to work in vanilla Q3A, so adjusted the item names a bit. ;o
      « Last Edit: 2009-09-04, 18:25 by Thomas Mink » Logged

      "Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
      Pixel Procrastinator

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      « Reply #134 on: 2009-09-04, 18:25 »

      Ok. Thanks.

      I think AEon is coming from a Q3A/CPMA-type view on gaming. He wants quick action, easily accessible items and weapons, no gimmicks or anything that may hinder ordinary game dynamics. He seems to be a fan of e1m1, but not of map01, so probably not so much of a doom II player. He's very good at what he does; that is, his maps are well received by those who enjoy Q3 in that same way.

      Me, I kind of like gimmicks and tricks. When there's a good reason to, nice ways to alter the normal function of Q3 DM are welcome. I'm thinking of Q2DM3's lava tunnel, Q3DM10's health generator, Q3DM11's grenade trigger, et cetera. The way the buttons work in my map is hopefully something comparable to those additions to normal gameplay.

      Outside area - open door
      I really wanted to keep it open (or let the switch work for 10 minutes or so) from the start, early in the process of making the map. But especially after adding the switch heads-up sound, I think it's one of the cooler features. I really want to keep this myself, now.
      Logically, I will not add a player spawn here. If it is to be a sealed room, just allowing lucky players to spawn in it defeats the purpose.

      Outside area - additions
      I want to try adding a shotgun outdoors, and that would be best served by an added bit of stonework. I don't want walls or anything in there, it should be a dangerously open area that can be assaulted from the window if necessary. If anywhere, I think the SG should be added to the area east of the doorway, so that players will have to decide whether to go for the powerup, the armor, or the weapon first.

      Health / Weapons
      I will keep the health next to the LG - it is an unappetizing room to run into just to get a gun. Even for classes that need the LG. I have added more health to the PG room though, in nooks and crannies.

      I'm keeping the SG/GL where they are. Makes sense to keep 'm this way to me.

      Other changes
      Beginning platform will remain as it is.

      I have added a step to the staircase before the window, though. I don't think it looks all that different. I'll let you guys see how it looks/works in the next release. I'm ok with it.

      Lighting has been upped considerably in the two mentioned rooms.

      I'll fix up a new version and post it in here.

      Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
      Pixel Procrastinator

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      « Reply #135 on: 2009-09-04, 20:48 »

      Okay, new non-pure version in here:

      Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
      Bird of Fire

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      « Reply #136 on: 2009-09-05, 05:38 »

      Got a look at it.  Here's a rundown of thoughts on the changes.

      The shotgun placement outside feels just a tad odd at present.  It could be that it's just because it's floating over bare grass, but I think it might be better back by where the red armor is, or else, tucked up a little closer to the building, the latter especially if some kind of spawn platform is built under it.  For now, it just feels like it's floating in the middle of nowhere, which, if it's just an item placement test, is understandable.  It is nice having a gun out there again, though I still think it would be better by the armor, especially with the spawn point near that door.  The main downside to the shotgun placement being where it is, and this is why I'm thinking it might be better by the armor, is if you're a new spawn you're going to have to get a gun, and you can get pinned in that corner by someone chasing out the door, otherwise you'll go for the armor and not have a gun.  As for armed players going outside for the armor, I found if I had a weapon already, I almost always ignored the shotgun because it was out of the way in favor of returning inside to get some frags.

      The health and shard placement in the blue room I'm kind of mixed on.  It's nice having them accessible, but they get grabbed so often that they're rarely of use.  It feels like they're too close to the door where there's a lot of fighting going on.  It's kind of a plus and minus.  You can duck in and grab them, but the back of the room isn't getting much action this way.  When they were on the crates they were not gone as much.  I do like having the crates as "ammo only" though, they feel more defined that way.  Maybe if 5 point healths were placed back by the armor where the 25 point health packs normally spawn it might balance things out for that room health-wise.

      I like the plasma ammo being up on top of the lift!  It feels like there's more of a reason than just to hit the switch to go up.  Shotgun ammo in that room where the plasma ammo used to be is good, I like that.  Health placement in the big window room feels good as well.  Having those 25 point globes where they are makes the room less of a death trap.  Thinking about it, before you only had the lift, and the exit switch room to go to for serious health, making it pretty perilous.  That's a good add I think, and taking the 5 point globes away from the plasma gun doesn't seem to hurt anything.

      The window step I find myself liking.  In fact, I think it could probably benefit the "pure" version of the map as well.  The lighting tweak is nice, and I also think the "pure" version could benefit from the lighting tweak if you haven't done so already.

      Did you add some player spawns?  I found a few times I had thrown the switch to get outside, and I spawned near the door while it was still open.  If that's a new spawn, I like it.  It adds some variety to the access to the outside.  You might hit the switch only to have someone else spawn and run out and grab your stuff, which means the window can turn into a revenge tool.  With the shotgun outside it also gives that person a chance to duck out the door and avoid getting plasmatized or electrocuted right off the bat while grabbing a weapon - unless of course the door is closed, and then you better head to the plasma or lightning gun pretty quick.  I definitely like the "dammit!" factor of having that spawn there for anyone hitting the switch to potentially lose their stuff.

      I think any new player spawns you added could benefit the pure map as well as the aforementioned window and lighting tweaks.  Overall, changes feel like they're positive.

      I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
      Pixel Procrastinator

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      Posts: 3330

      « Reply #137 on: 2009-09-05, 13:13 »

      Oh yes, I moved that spawn closer to the door because it would be closer to the PG, actually. It felt odd to have only one of the spawns in the brown room close to a weapon -- kind of making luck too big a factor there. The only other tweak to spawns is in the blue room: I added one, and moved the other away from the SG a bit. Now the total is 8 spawns, which makes more sense to me.

      I didn't want to put too much of an effort of making a shotgun pedestal until I got feedback on placement. Now I see that this may have actually been a disadvantage to it.. :] I think I'll remove the small health items and place the shotgun where they are now. I don't think it makes sense to put the shotgun actually right next to the armor.

      I'm kind of unsure about the shards/health in the blue room myself, too. I just removed them from the platforms and shoved them in the emptiest place of that room. I think I'd rather remove items than place them next to the armor, since that seems to make that small room unnecessarily important.
      Still, between the starting room and the brown room, it looks like there is too little health in that general area. Maybe I should just place 25 health packs in the corners of the blue room? At least they won't be picked up by people spawning there..

      I will make the geometry/lighting changes to the pure version aswell, by the way. I planned to do so from the start, but since I need to swap all the items around to do so, I want to wait until I'm sure the changes will stick. As for the lighting, could it benefit from being a little darker or a little brighter still? Or is it fine the way it is?

      Oh, and one last thing: I made the lift to the outdoors-button wait for only 1.5 seconds before moving back up. Seems to work better, but maybe it should have an even shorter wait? It's not like you need time to get to it after pressing the lift-button...

      Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
      Bird of Fire

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      « Reply #138 on: 2009-09-05, 21:09 »

      The wait on the lift feels great in the current build, like just the right amount of time.  It did feel a hair long before.  I wouldn't shorten it any further.

      Placing shotgun where the health globes are outside sounds like a good plan.  It's in the right area but not right on the armor.  It also puts more emphasis on the regen for health outside, and if the regen isn't there, you have to take some licks while fighting out there.  Speaking of regen... I forgot to mention, I think the timer on the powerup spawn feels too long.  I'm not sure what you have it set at (2 min?) but it feels like it should be cut down maybe to half that.

      Two 25 healths in the blue room sound good since they can't be spawn-grabbed.  Doom - Thumbs Up!

      I think the overall level lighting is good, but the two brown rooms need maybe an additional 5% brightness tweak at most.  The lighting is better than it was, but still a bit dim.

      I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
      Pixel Procrastinator

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      « Reply #139 on: 2009-09-05, 23:32 »

      Hmm. Spawn timer is at four minutes. I may cut that down to two or three minutes. I don't want to make the map too powerup-centered, though. The combination of a powerup + RA is pretty powerful, and even the RA by itself is a good reason to go for the switch, I think...

      Fixing up a new version...

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