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Author Topic: Most Memorable Gaming Moment  (Read 25923 times)
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Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #40 on: 2006-06-09, 10:21 »

Quote from: Tabun
So, we're done listing the memorable things and have gone on to part 2: 'babbling about annoying sub-par games', now? :]
Slipgate - Off Topic
The Final Fantasy series is a lot like foreign policy.  There's always going to be some heated debate about it.

Seriously though, I think the discussion of Final Fantasy and the merits of each game should really be its own topic.  I could always create it if one of the mods wants me to.
 Slipgate - Off Topic

Getting back onto topic, all this talk of RPG's reminded me of a great PC RPG I had several memorable moments from, Anachronox.

Why is the game memorable?  Several reasons...

The story is unfinished.  (Anachronox was in development hell by the now defunct ION Storm Dallas.)  Eidos, the publisher, stopped wanting to shell money out (possibly due to Daikatana,) and the guys at ION Storm were effectively forced to cut the game in half.  Despite that, the ending is still fantastic and ends appropriately if not terribly soon.

The entire main cast of characters are lined up side-by-side.  They're about to set off for what could be the very end of their lives.  The main character (who's full of great one-liners,) says, "Let's do this...", "Let's get some breakfast."  And they set off for what will be their last meal in their current universe.


Upon landing at a remote planet with an ancient race integral to the game's story, Sly (main character,) is forced to recall the name of one of the ancient race's brethren.  It's "Simonoseveticus Terrinisquarinthacalicus."  And this was after he repeatedly forgot it.

And of course, there was also a fantastic scene where an old fogey beats the crap out of Sly for leaving his socks all over the space ship.  (Their ship was dead in space for several weeks.)

Oh and the game also has the most vivid description of alien tentacle erotica I've seen in a game.  It was enough to wierd me out the first time I read it even. Slipgate - Smile

If you're interested in the game, there's a Demo at Planet Anachronox.  I remember reading about some compatibility issues with Win 2000 however.

There's also a movie of sorts.  Some of the developers recorded a video of all the major, story-related cutscenes in the game.  It actually won an award from Machinima.com and you can download it from there as well.
« Last Edit: 2006-06-09, 10:23 by Kain-Xavier » Logged

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #41 on: 2006-06-09, 16:42 »

Angst, you don't like eye-candy?  I like eye candy, but I suppose what I consider eye candy is different from some people.  I like pretty colors.  That's one thing I've loved playing Unreal is the environments.  There's a lot of eye candy, especially the skyboxes.  I love the skies in Unreal.  They also did a fantastic job with fluid surfaces.  There are some parts of the game I do not care for.  I don't like how the Skaarj have an instantaneous, perfect reaction time to dodge every damned projectile you throw at them, for example.  I also hate the music on the Terraniux levels, and those !@#!@ flies piss me off.  All that aside, the environments are what really impressed me, along with the continuity.  I love being able to just roam and explore environments, and not be trapped in the "must go this way, to open this door, to get to this key, to go back to this door" all the time.  That's fine in games in which it works, but having a bit of freedom to roam is something I like.

Another really memorable moment for me was the final charge leading up to the end boss in the first Serious Sam, where you have to run like hell to get to the pyramid.  The final battle itself wasn't really too thrilling since it was very much akin to how you have to kill Chthon in Quake 1, but the mad dash for the pyramid was spectacular.

I think my favorite moment in Sam 2 was fighting the larvae thing.  I absolutely HATE that bug.  Something about it just brings out irrational hatred in me.  I think it's the face, and that squishy, insect-like body, I don't know, but anyway I blew one of its arms off with the minigun, then I got mad and charged the thing with the chainsaw.  Well...  going berserk with the chainsaw actually turned out to be the best way to kill the damned thing.  I just stayed on the side that lost the arm, kept under it, and kept turning with it.  Any baby bugs it dropped got ground up instantly, and it couldn't shoot me with the other arm.  Once the other arm popped, I kept turning under it and it couldn't do anything to attack me.  That was probably one of the most fulfilling moments I've had in a FPS single player game.  It's not too often you get to just go nuts on something like that and win through pure aggression and hostility!
 Slipgate - Laugh

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

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« Reply #42 on: 2006-06-09, 17:04 »

The first really memorable moment I ever had with a game came with Megaman 2. I think I was in kindergarten when my mother rented the game for me, and it was fun. Except I couldn't beat any of the bosses. In one case, I couldn't even get to the boss, and anyone who's played the game would probably know what I'm talking about when I say this:

Force beams.

Even now, playing through Quickman's stage makes my heart race because of those @&#%ing things.
« Last Edit: 2006-06-09, 17:18 by Makou » Logged

If you see a "Rona Altana" out there on the internet somewhere, that's probably me
Thomas Mink

Beta Tester
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« Reply #43 on: 2006-06-09, 20:52 »

omg... MegaMan 2 is badass. My favorite of the series. And QuickMan is also my favorite boss of the series.. especially his MegaMan 3 incarnation where you have to use two of the slowest weapons ever and try to hit him with them (well, you don't have to.. but they are his weakness).

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #44 on: 2006-06-10, 00:20 »

If you wanna play some serious Megaman action, go play the Megaman Zero series that came out for the GBA. I'll tell you this: I hadn't had so much fun with 2D action games after playing Metal Slug 3 as I had with Megaman Zero. And speaking of Metal Slug, Metal Slug 3 overlords all 2D action games. Simple as that.

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #45 on: 2006-06-10, 05:41 »

Speaking of 2D, when I bought Duke Nukem 3D it was the Kill-a-ton collection.  This included Duke 1 and 2, which were both sidescrollers.  Playing the original Duke Nukem was quite amusing after having played Duke 3D!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 601

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« Reply #46 on: 2006-06-10, 07:11 »

2D pwns 3D

sorry bout the crappy short post.

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #47 on: 2006-06-10, 11:12 »

I have both Duke Nukum and Duke Nukem II in my 386. Those were quite amusing games indeed. In fact, I spent most of my childhood playing Duke Nukem II.


Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #48 on: 2006-06-11, 13:01 »

Hrmm... well I was going to do memorable moments from the Playstation, but a large majority of it is related to the Final Fantasy series so I think I'll get them out of the way.

Final Fantasy VII or the reason why you bought a playstation

There's the infamous death scene from Final Fantasy VII of course, but there are some other really memorable moments from the game.

I <3 Golden Saucer.  There was just so much to see and do and all of the mini-games were immensely fun.  (I pwned at Snowboarding.)

There's a fantastic overview of all the nifty shit you can do at Golden Saucer here.

There's also quite a bit of gay humor in the game.  In one portion of the game, Cloud, the main character, has to cross-dress as a woman to seduce a crime lord in order to rescue another party member.  There's also an earlier scene where you go to a love hotel of sorts and wind up in a room full of muscular men.

Final Fantasy VIII or let's show how awesome we are at FMV cutscenes

Squall, the main character, keeps having dreams about three people he does not know.  When this first occurs, he comes to and says the following one liner, "I... I dreamt I was an idiot."

In the game, there are three "gardens," you can think of them as military schools where elite soliders are trained.  Eventually, the garden Squall is a part of goes to war against one of the other gardens.  This entire portion of the game just flat out rocked.  The amount of detail put into it still stands out today in my opinion.

There is also a really, really touching scene where Squall rescues his love interest who is floating aimlessly in outer space, slowly losing oxygen.   You can hear her breathing getting shorter and shorter with tears floating away from her eyes and Squall manages to rescue her just in time.

The ending was so horrible, it's burned into my memory.

Edit:  I had a more elaborate description of the ending, but I think I'll keep it short instead.  No need to invite off-topic discussion more than I have to. :p

Final Fantasy IX or the spiritual successor to FFIV

FFIX was awesome.  It wasn't truly awesome in any area, but it was enough to remind me just why I love this damn series.

There was a knight who chased after some hooligans screaming "FURY!"  It's one of those things that you just have to see.  The timing of it is brilliant.

Zidane, the main character, teaches the young, impressionable, black mage Vivi the importance of pissing your troubles away.  Eiko, the horny, six-year-old summoner who wants Zidane's body watches them from afar.

There is an utterly hilarious scene where Steiner, captain of the knights, chases after Princess Garnet and her "captor" Zidane.  It essentially involes him crashing into the side of a stone tower and much panicking ensues before the impact.

At the end, Zidance faces off with his brother Kuja so that the other characters can safely flee.  There is a very touching scene where he re-unites with Princess Garnet.  Garnet thought he was dead.  (Oddly enough, Vivi is also present with... kids?  Supposedly, his race ages faster, but I'm not buying it.  Eiko put out for ViVi when she couldn't be with Zidane.)

And that's it.

There really wasn't anything about Final Fantasy Tactics that stood out in my mind.  It was a very hard game to beat, and a lot of people died.  In fact, just about every important character to the plot that wasn't a part of your party died.  In that aspect, it mimicked the attrocities of war quite well.
« Last Edit: 2006-06-11, 13:19 by Kain-Xavier » Logged


Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #49 on: 2006-06-11, 15:27 »

Does the PSX FFT have the same storyline of the GBA FFT? It's something that has been bothering me.


Posts: 601

I have no clue what to put here...

« Reply #50 on: 2006-06-11, 16:05 »

Quote from: [KruzadeR
] Does the PSX FFT have the same storyline of the GBA FFT? It's something that has been bothering me.
Nope the only real connection is the "grid" battle system.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #51 on: 2006-06-12, 00:21 »

I used to play Counter-Strike back during betas 3 and 4.  Well, here's a few memorable moments, good and bad.  I know I don't like sneaking and backshooting in Quake FFA, but keep in mind the rules about sneaking and camping are a bit different in a game like CS, much as they are in different in CTF.


Playing a 3 vs 3 game back during early beta 3 when most everyone was on a modem.  I was on the Couter-Terrorist team.  My other team members got whacked.  I was left alone, and I hid behind some crates in a dark hallway, with nothing but a silenced USP pistol.  One of the terrorists came out and stopped, RIGHT in the middle of the light, with his back turned.  I snuck up to him and shot him in the back of the head.  I retreated behind the crates again.  Well, bodies disappear (got to love video games!).  A minute later, ANOTHER terrorist came up and stopped in the EXACT SAME PLACE.  Again, snuck up behind him, and this time I scored an AWP rifle from him.  There's one terrorist left, and guess where he stops?  Only this one must have some intuition, because he charges my position shooting an MP5 into the dark.  I take two rounds, and I know he's coming around the crates at me to get a clear shot, so I shoot the crate right ahead of where he's running and it goes through it and kills him.  What makes this better is I was the highest ping on the server.

In the garage area map, the entire enemy team had defenses set up.  I charged in and ducked behind some crates.  Everyone was shooting at me and my team.  There was a guy right on the other side of the crate from me.  I jumped the crate, right into the line of fire of everyone, and knifed him in the head and killed him, then ran around the crates and ducked under cover again.  I lost all of 15 health doing it, and had the entire enemy team shooting at what ammounted to a stationary target.

On the train map where you have to set up the bomb, my team, as usual, got wiped out.  I managed to kill two enemies, but was badly hurt, and was also the bomb carrier.  I picked up a buddy's G3, and got an idea.  I knew the CT's would kill me if I stood guard, and I knew if I hid they'd diffuse the bomb.  I set the bomb up in the first area you can, where there's a ladder that goes all the way up to a roof top - with clear view of the bomb location.  I climbed up the ladder and waited, with the expectation that the CT's would concentrate on the bomb instead of looking for a sniper.  Sure enough, first dumbass CT shows up and crouches down to diffuse the bomb, which proves to make for a nice juicy target.  A few seconds later (just in time for his corpse to fade, got to love it)  ANOTHER CT shows up, and does the same thing.  Aren't clean headshots wonderful?  The last CT must have heard the shots and comes scrambling up the ladder, ignoring the bomb.  I guess he wanted to get rid of that pesky sniper and remove the last Terrorist before the bomb went boom.  Problem is, ladders leave you exposed, so he was easy to pick off as his head popped over the roof.  Two rounds from his MP-5 didn't do much to me, but a few shots from the G-3 made his day over.  Two seconds later, the bomb goes off.  Nobody lived, but I was the last one standing when it go boom!


And now for some pathetic moments.

On the big rocky outdoor map, I was on the terrorist side.  Well, there's a boulder the CT's love to climb over on the far left of the map (if you're in the terrorist camp) to snipe at the terrorist base.  So, I take up a position with a shotgun right at the edge of the boulder.  A CT, as expected, pops over the top and sneaks up to the edge of the boulder.  I pop out, aim square at his head, as he's looking down at me, fire the 12 gauge... and miss?  I was 5 yards away with a SHOTGUN and it missed him completely.  Not one pellet hit.  It was not a lag issue either since the guy was standing dead still.  So I get shot with an AWP a second later and die not because I can't aim or was in the wrong place, but because my shotgun fires blanks.  That was the last time I ever used the shotgun.

Ok, bullets go through walls.  Bullets go through people.  Bullets magically teleport at given moments too.  One shot from an AK-47 to the head will kill anyone in the game (this was before helmets were introduced) but it takes 4 hits to the body.  So a pistol-toting CT comes at me, and I shoot square at his head 3 times... and he lives.  He gets off one pistol shot to my head and I die.  Why?  My rifle rounds hit his hands.  That's right, his hands.  His hands that held the pistol that shot me in the head, which were being held squarely inbetween my muzzle and his bean.  So my bullets magically entered into his hands, passed cleanly around his skull in an extra-dimensional space, and reappeared on the other side of him.  Or, in a more techincal sense, the collision detection wasn't coded to account for more than one body part being in the line of fire.  GG game mechanics...

Team killing.  You've got to hate it.  What's even worse is when some jackass decides to reconnect with a different name every time.  Add to that a team full of morons who seem oblivious to the fact that someone is being an ass on the server and letting him kill them.  Add to that the opposite team who I'm fairly sure put the guy up to it.  There's nothing like a game where you start out with some guy knifing people in the back of the head, then getting rushed by the entire enemy team, then the guy vanishing as soon as he's killed someone so you can't even vote to ban the guy, and then showing up with a different name (all the while people are coming and going off the server so you have no idea who is legit and who the TK'er is).  So, what do I do?  I switch teams and start teamkilling the other side to even the show, which elicits complaints not only from the team I went to, but also from the team I had been on for leaving their team, and guess who gets voted off the server...?

Then there's flashbangs, and high-explosive grenades.  When you can't teamkill because friendly fire is disabled, nothing beats blinding everyone on the team prior to an assault so they all get killed... except for using a high explosive grenade that kills everyone on the team yourself.

And the winner is:

In the map with the big house the Terrorists have to defend, there's a sewer entrance with all sorts of boxes right under the house.  Well, after having spent a lot of money on a nice G-3 sniper rifle and and doing my part picking off people from my nest on the roof, eventually I get taken out.  And, eventually all but two players get taken out - one terrorist, one counter-terrorist.  And, of course, what does the terrorist do?  Hides in the crate room crouched in the shadows.  What does the counter-terrorist do?  Sneaks through the sewers, then hides in the crate room... on the opposite side of the SAME CRATE as the terrorist!  They sit there for THREE MINUTES and let the clock run down, so both teams spawn without any money on the next map.

It's stuff like this, among other things, that convinced me I'd have infinitely more fun playing Quake again.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1095

Yup, that's me

« Reply #52 on: 2006-06-12, 00:50 »

Speaking of Quake, nobody's mentioned the first time they picked up the first rune and got minced by Chton, or maybe that was just me...

PSN ID: scalliano

The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« Reply #53 on: 2006-06-12, 07:17 »

I don't hate eyecandy, I rather enjoy beautiful games. Providing gameplay isn't sacrificed for said eyecandy.

Unreal was awesome, I still get a kick out of the prison ship crash.

Far Cry was beautiful, and still a good game.

And the thing is, even with all of the diversity IN the game, they were very simple. No mishmash of minigames or extensive cinematics. Just a good-looking, good-PLAYING games.

World of Warcraft - Uldaman (dungeon instance)
There are so many easter eggs crammed into this under-utilized map, it's not even funny.

A particular large troglodyte shouts "Me Grimlock, KING!" when attacked.
The Lost Vikings make an appearance, as a miniboss fight.
You obtain a rod and amulet, then place the combined staff into a miniature city (a la Indy and the Last Crusade) to summon another miniboss.
There's more iirc, but it's been awhile since I've been down there..

As for MULTIPLAYER amusement..

CS 1.before whenever jumping got gimped.

cs_militia - I think this is the map pho was talking about with the wimps hiding on either side of a box.

As T - first round, AK + Desert Eagle. Roof. I win. AWP Snipers can sneak around all they want, I can STILL headshot you through the rocks the second I see that barrel sticking out from behind it.

As CT - amazingly enough, noone ever seems to defend the sewers, or the hostages.. in, out, round over.

cs_mansion - evil level, horribly skewed in the Terrorist's favor. But somehow we still pulled it off at the old lan-cafe Slipgate - Ninja. either a pair rushing the front windows with TMP's, or shotgun through the sewers. Best example of this, as CT, 2-1, the last T was going sewers after taking out the snipers at CT spawn. Rewired jumps out the upstairs window, let's off a round with his shotgun, and headshots the poor guy yelling "death from above!" So he responds with "oh, is THAT how it is?!" and next round is waiting for rew in the window. Rewired spots him, headshots him with the shotty yet again, and shouts "death from below!"

de_vertigo - aka the "parking garage level"

CT, buy Para, drop down ladder, wipe T's before they're done buying.  Sipgate - Evil

And as always, the ultimate congratulation you can get in CS is a ban for "wallhacking" because you have ears and know how to use them.

Jedi Knight 3 - Outcast.

You can force push me off the cliff, but I can force PULL you with me!

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8806

« Reply #54 on: 2006-06-12, 07:58 »

Quote from: Angst
You obtain a rod and amulet, then place the combined staff into a miniature city (a la Indy and the Last Crusade) to summon another miniboss.
Actually that was Raiders of the Lost Ark.

cs_militia - I think this is the map pho was talking about with the wimps hiding on either side of a box.
That was the map.

As CT - amazingly enough, noone ever seems to defend the sewers, or the hostages.. in, out, round over.
You would have hated playing against me then.  Half the time I was sniping on the roof, but if we had a good sniper already, I'd be in the sewers with an AK.  You did NOT get past me if I was down there.

de_vertigo - aka the "parking garage level"

CT, buy Para, drop down ladder, wipe T's before they're done buying.  Sipgate - Evil

I'm not sure of this is the same one.  The one I'm talking about you have to run across a desert area and go down a ramp into the garage, or else take that deathtrap of an elevator shaft and go through the tunnels to come in from the side.  If the one you mean is the one I think you mean, yes, I've done that several times.

And as always, the ultimate congratulation you can get in CS is a ban for "wallhacking" because you have ears and know how to use them.

I got called a cheater playing Weapons Of Destruction once against a guy named Mr. Howell.  He got me good on Lava Tomb because I suck horribly at that map.  The next map was Slimy Place.  Well, I know the map like nothing else, and I'm very good on that map, and he was being entirely predictable in his movements.  There's only two ways out of any area on that map, and if you see where someone is going you can predict where they'll be.  After killing him seven times with fire rockets he said I was cheating and left.

scalliano:  Uh... the first time I met Chthon I whacked HIM, not the other way around.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1095

Yup, that's me

« Reply #55 on: 2006-06-12, 09:17 »

Yeah, must have been just me. Still, he hasn't beaten me since. Except on Q2Gen ....

PSN ID: scalliano

The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #56 on: 2006-06-12, 09:30 »

Jedi Knight Jedi Academy is a great MP game. I remember once in a map filled with lava on the bottom and a gigantic arena-like platform on top. Ther were around 20 people on the sv. You know where they were all at? At the platform, SITTING with the saber on (don't know how). So if you were to seat next to them, SLASH!. Ah, and the grip force... such a lovely trick.

Thomas Mink

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 920


« Reply #57 on: 2006-06-12, 21:32 »

Most memorable thing about Cthon that I remember is unloading all my ammo from every gun into him.. then being all like 'wtf?!' after all my ammo was gone. And yes.. he killed me a few times. He gets better aim at higher skills levels, so it took me a bit to adjust and time it... I remember Nightmare Cthon being a pain the first time I played Nightmare.

Also remember somewhere along the line, I beat him with like 3 health left... so the fall into the big hole afterwards killed me. That was a bummer. Slipgate - Smile
« Last Edit: 2006-06-12, 21:34 by ~SpAwN~ » Logged

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« Reply #58 on: 2006-06-13, 09:40 »

Actually that was Raiders of the Lost Ark.
egads you're right, I need to stop posting when I'm not even remotely conscious...

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #59 on: 2006-06-16, 12:26 »

I just had a few more very memorable moments, all from the excellent console-based FPS, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect.

Essentially you play the role of Cortez, a time-travelling space marine who looks a lot like Riddick from Pitch Black but with a sense of humor. The brunt of the story involves you travelling to various time periods in an attempt to stop a person from stealing the time crystals (which caused the whole time-travel fiasco to begin with.)  The problem lies in the fact that the bad guy keeps getting away, frustrating Cortez.

In one particular scene, Cortez encounters the older version of the bad guy who is currently in the future.  Cortez demands to know where the time machine and the time crystas are.  He then explains to the bad guy exactly what he (the older version) would do in the future (not the time period,)  when the bad guy (still older version,) goes into the past to meet the younger version of himself (who is in the appropriate time I think,) and gives him (the younger version,) the time device.  Of course, Cortez never realized that the bad guy (older version, current time) had not done this yet already.  The younger version then appears from the past and hands another time device to the older version.  The bad guy (older version, current time) then escapes doing exactly that.  Upon realizing his blunder, Cortez screams out "DAMMIT!" so loudly that his voice echoes through time and one of Cortez's previous cohorts from the 60's briefly stops his snogging session with his girlfriend to say, "Spaceman!"

There is a running gag throughout the game involving Cortez's catch phrase:  "It's time to split!"  In one particular scene, he was pumped and ready to kick ass with a female cohort, but they're stuck waiting for an elevator.  So they make small talk about dental benefits and as soon as the door opens, Cortez gets pumped again.  He jumps into the elevator and shouts, "Yeah, it's time to split!" showing his excitement with his arms.  The female cohort stares blankly, and says "I'll get the next one."

Throughout the game, there are also several great moments when your future self helps out your past self.  This involves some great dialogue between Cortez and himself and also allows you to repeat whatever it is that the future version of yourself did when he arrived to help out your past self.

There are two scenes I love in particular.

Your future self arrives with a beefy weapon and tells you to duck.  Startled, you don't realize what's going on, and the future self fires the weapon, but the beam goes right through you.

So you (the current self, past self to future self,) says, "What was that?"  Future self replies, "It was a ghost."  You reply, "How did you see it?"  Future self points to his new eye wear, "Ghost goggles."  You look confused and then look towards the beefy weapon.  Future self simply replies, "Ghost gun."

There's also a fantastic battle that involves numerous selves from too many damn time periods to accurately describe it after seeing it just once. (Maybe once I play through the game co-op...)  Essentially, you have to hack a computer to open a door, but there's of course the security that tries to stop you and also the unfortunate inconvenience of there being another terminal that must be hacked simultaneously.  So one future self comes back to aid you in hacking the machine.  Another comes back to help you defend against the security while you hack the machine.  Then yet another comes back to help you hack both machines at once.  Then yet another comes back to help you defend against the improved security.  And of course, you need to be each one of those guys for this to all work.  One of your future selves makes the cheeky comment, "I know it sucks.  I've had to do it four times already!"

So to sum things up, if you own a PS2, GC, or an X-Box, you are doing yourself a disservice by not playing this game.  I purchased it for $10.  It's the best $10 I've ever spent on a console game.  And if you're apprehensive about playing any FPS game on a console, then buy this adapter.  You can get it for both the PS2 and the X-Box.  (I don't know how well it works with this game though.  I don't own one. :p)

Edit:  I got two of the cutscenes wrong, so I rewrote the text concerning them.
« Last Edit: 2006-06-16, 13:26 by Kain-Xavier » Logged

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