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Author Topic: Vive la France!  (Read 71719 times)
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Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« on: 2003-02-23, 03:53 »

Vive la France!

« Last Edit: 2003-02-23, 03:54 by ConfusedUs » Logged
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #1 on: 2003-02-23, 05:33 »

Q: How many frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?
A: No one knows, it's never happened!

Q: Why do the french plant trees on both sides of the street?
A: So the Germans can march in the shade!
Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8814

« Reply #2 on: 2003-02-23, 07:16 »

Hehehe, oooh that's rotten, but I like it!  Slipgate - Laugh

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 398

« Reply #3 on: 2003-02-23, 08:55 »

Someone has to stand up against overbearing stupidity, so Vive la France, except without the sarcasm

Posts: 103

« Reply #4 on: 2003-02-23, 12:08 »

i wouldnt actually go there and say that the only thing that the french are good at is surrendering

they did get their asses kicked in ww2 thats true since the releid on the maginot line and the germans drova around it through belgium and holland

they got their asses kicked in vietnam but so did you........

the french foregin legion is as though as your seals and whatnot
they actually had ground troops in kosovo while you just bombed the chineese embassy and blamed it on technical errors and old maps

the politicians are trying to protect french interests in iraq as they have some and so would the US president if the country that we were talking about would be saudi israel or kuwait instead of iraq

i do not agree with you on this
furthermore the political bullying that the US are trying to pull now sickens me
yes the US is the only remaining super power but that gives it responsability and not the right to do whatever it pleases

this is more of a personal grudge from Mr Bush ( qoute: That man tried to kill my father unquote, not the brightest thing to say when trying to get the rest of the world to agree that attacking iraq is a good thing) then anything else and i doubt theyll be more successfull this time around

i doubt however that will or can back off untill Saddam hands over a weapon off mass destruction and resigns, something that is as likely to happen as hell freezing over

i dont belive in weapon inspections as he had over a year of hiding thoose things if he had them in the first place

and i belive north korea to be the greater evil of the two
Kim whatever his name is stated that NK was ready to rain down fire on the US and that theyd attack south korea if the US started to blockade them
i fear that NK will try something when theworld is busy with iraq

i may be wrong in this i dont know but neither do you
i hope that a peacfull solution can be found as the people of iraq has suffered enough
the sanctions have only affected the middleclass and down they are all poor now the upper-class havent had their life style affected the slightest

Is the US ready to make such a commitment in troops money and time to really make iraq a democracy?? it will take time years even
otherwise well just replace one mad-hatter with another one

Pain Elemental
Posts: 84

« Reply #5 on: 2003-02-23, 14:01 »

Although I don't support the views that have caused that picture appear, it made my mouth go  Slipgate - Smile

Posts: 75

« Reply #6 on: 2003-02-23, 14:29 »

I don't have a problem with making funny jokes of other countries, but I just wanna point something out here:

Quote by =GS= Ulric (PlanetWolfenstein):
"Most Americans don't realize that we were really allied with the French in the War of 1812. If the French were not pre-occupying the British in Europe, we Americans would probablly have been defeated in this war."
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #7 on: 2003-02-23, 17:44 »

also we french , and dutch people where peaceloving people then and we atually didnt need an army.
hell we had 3 plains back then and those where shot donw when they where still standing on the ground
only true defence what we had where forts all around the country and since you can't move those things the germans just drove around those .

Posts: 398

« Reply #8 on: 2003-02-24, 00:28 »

The only reason my country needs troops is peacekeeping, and we do a fine job of it, even when the americans run like sissies *cough* Somalia *cough*

For the record, during the French Revolution, The french militia fought off 2 armies (The Brits and the Dutch) on two fronts

I don't see Bush Reacting to the 150,000 person anti-war rally in NYC or the several Million that are coming to washington, oh and they accuse him of not caring about his constituents.... geez he's proving them wrong
« Last Edit: 2003-02-24, 00:32 by Devlar » Logged
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 827

« Reply #9 on: 2003-02-24, 00:45 »

first off the french foreign legion are a bunch of asskickers but most of them arent french. thats why they call it the foreign legion. secondly its not that the french got thier asses kicked in world war 2 its that they surrendered thier country to the freaking nazis in a matter of weeks.
  The argument that war should be averted because the iraqi people have suffered enough is rather short sighted.  If saddams bath party were to continue to rull (and they would) the same ruthless opression the iraqis  suffer everyday would go on indefinately. peace activists forget that the U.S military would have to kill nearly 10 times the amount of iraqis that died in the gulf war to equal the amount of iraqis who have been starved tortured and murderd in the last 12 years alone. there has been no reason for 2 million iraqi children to have starved to death in the last decade. despite UN trade restriction saddam has had ample money to build himself sevral palaces and giant satues of himself he should be able to feed his people.
 The only reason france's opinion matters worth a damn is that the United states is humoring them. france has no real power on the world stage and nothing to offer except for wine and antisemitism.
 lets make a deal stop calling americans warmongers because were willing to do what needs to be done , and we will stop calling you fancy lads because youd rather stay out.
« Last Edit: 2003-02-24, 01:09 by Woodsman » Logged
Posts: 398

« Reply #10 on: 2003-02-24, 01:49 »

What has to be done? Where is the proof of the weapons of mass destruction? Where is the proof of the links to Al'Queda? This is nothing more than a vandetta by George Bush for Sadam ruining his father's legacy.

There has yet to be shown any proof of anything by the americans, and if they really had something they would have shown it by now

You don't send 150,000 troops if you think one man is the problem. Hell if the US went to the Security council tommorow with a resolution that they would send in special forces to find and shoot Sadam Hussein, hell I'd back it. The thing is they wont do it, they're going to destroy the lives of another generation (no pun intended) of Iraquis instead. Before the initial Desert Storm Iraq was the most literate and best educated arab country in the middle east, and now they are near the bottom.

france has no real power on the world stage and nothing to offer except for wine and antisemitism.
Americans are spit at on every continent of the world because of people like you, thank you for your opinion, and don't leave the country please.

Americans themselves are good people but the people who run their country aren't and because they are elected by the american people they give the impression that they represent them. Its a sad day for the republic when your leaders stop listening
« Last Edit: 2003-02-24, 01:58 by Devlar » Logged
Hans Grosse
Posts: 271

« Reply #11 on: 2003-02-24, 05:42 »

Erm... it didn't even ONCE occur to you that it was the UN SANCTIONS that caused the death of half a million Iraqi babies? That the UN, not Saddam, was blocking the entry of certain foods because they were said to be potential weapons? (YES, potential weapons!)

No, of course not. After all, it's Saddam's fault. It always is. But hey, even if the suffering of the people IS the responsibility of the leaders, we should be looking to the leaders at HOME for the people's lack of adequate housing, food, health care, etc., before we turn to Iraq.

I don't see Bush Reacting to the 150,000 person anti-war rally in NYC or the several Million that are coming to washington, oh and they accuse him of not caring about his constituents.... geez he's proving them wrong

You spoke of constituents?
« Last Edit: 2003-02-24, 05:46 by Assamite » Logged
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 827

« Reply #12 on: 2003-02-24, 06:12 »

of course its saddams fault! last time i checked he was in charge of iraq and the Un santions havent mattered worth a damn because iraq still has trade with other arab nations despite them.
 the UN santions are as limp and ineffective as the UN itself who by the way wouldnt have inspectors in iraq at all if we hadnt threatened to go in anyway.
   ask the kurds if he has weapons of mass destruction or not i hear they have first hand knowledge of it.
« Last Edit: 2003-02-24, 06:21 by Woodsman » Logged
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #13 on: 2003-02-24, 06:27 »

Whoops. Looks like this thread is in the wrong forum...
Posts: 398

« Reply #14 on: 2003-02-24, 07:20 »

ask the kurds if he has weapons of mass destruction or not i hear they have first hand knowledge of it.

Yes, George Bush Senior who gave Saddam the weapons asked the Kurds to openly defy sadam during Dessert Storm, and then.... he left them there, and didn't finnish the job, hooray for strategy....

For the sake of pissing on americans i'd love to see Bush go at this alone, Blaire will be kicked out of his own party when he does this, I watch the BBC, Britians aren't happy. Then Americans wont be able to travel anywhere without being spit at, now if your into that whole spit fetish thing then more power to ya Mr.Oil... err I mean Bush

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #15 on: 2003-02-24, 07:23 »

Q:Why are the French the best to buy weapons from?

A:They have never been fired and they only have been dropped once?

 Slipgate - Laugh  :lol:

Beer? I'm down.

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #16 on: 2003-02-24, 09:21 »

rofl...it was just a joke. I never ment to make any profound statements about the french. I didn't mean to spark a debate.

/me hangs head in shame.

Posts: 103

« Reply #17 on: 2003-02-24, 13:41 »

sometimes you get an unexpected bonus con

in sex it can be a child or an desise and with this kind of mocking you can have a debatte nothing worng with a good debate i always say.
 dont feel bad about it con instead enjoy the show

to woodsman + the rest but primarely woodsman: Yes the sanctions have been ineffective against the ruling class because they have MONEY and hence can buy what they want from smugglers

the UN-sanctions have only hurt the innocent and im not in favor of thoose either

the only effect it has had really is that the iraqies hate the US and the UN for making them suffer

its saddams fault you say? he's their glorious leader and doesnt make anything wrong, thats what their told through the propagande much like you are told that the iraqies have weapons off mass-destruction
i agree with devlar that if the us had any real proof they would have shown it by now the proof presented by collin powell wasnt convincable
granted he did an excellent rethorical presentation and that helped the fact that thoose pieces of evidence were circumstansial at best

More and more iraqies turn to religion for answers as do most people when youre suffering for no appearent reason
And we know that many of the imans hold no love for the us or a democratic society were people are secularisised (dont know if you can translate it like this but what i mean is that people care less for religion as their living standards improve and the have access to global news and more information) the imans power would decrease and as any lobby group they arent gonna sit by and watch that happen. look at how the mullas in the iranian parlament block any bill or decre that would make the country more democratic and west oriented.

the ones that bush really should try to work with on this and convince is the saudis and the rest of the arabic countries as the hate for america will only increase in the region otherwise
the US need one or more islamic allies and this should be about freeing the iraqies from saddam not about his aleged weapons of massdestruction

obviously no arabic country is willing to support the us in this not because the aprove of saddam or not but because most of them arent really democracies but ruled by a single family in some cases. the idea of a democracy isnt something that they are really fond for selfexplanatory reasons

the french surrendering in ww2? yes when most of the high command and the goverment is captured that tend to happen.
the maginot line and the french army as a whole was set on another trench war like ww1 and failed to heed the warnings in time and couldnt addapt to the new kind of warfare: blitzkreig

this was sometihng entirely new and in the early stages of the war the german army was nearly invinceble
it was fast had a lot of firepower and the greman armour was the best in the world in 1940:s and they still produce some of the best armour in the world to this day.

the greman army that the french was defeated by wanst anything like the one the US troops fought later on
by that time hitlers insanity had escalated and he made a lot of tactical errors and had killed of a lot of the high command
by 1945 not a lot off the original generals were left and none that had disagreed with him

yes parts of the foregin legion is made up by forigners but the majority is still french nowadays

Yes, saddam is a despotical tyrant and yes he should reliquish power that would be the ideal sollution.
Yes the only way to make saddam stepp down is by force

there are other mad tyrants out there that are equaly worthy of attention from the US in particular but the rest of the world aswell

but north korea doesnt have the oil does it and that is what many belive is the US reason for doing this cheaper oil for you less for the rest of the world
granted that that is a stupid argument but so is the reasons for attacking iraq so far
yes Saddam isnt Mr Niceguy of the year but he isnt alone there are lots of rulers that should be deposed and Kim Jong Il is top of that list in my book
NK is activly making or trying to make nukes and admits to doing so + they threaten the US but why dont we see anything about North Korea? wich is a far greater threat to stability in its respective region then iraq
but south korea doesnt have nay oil so its of lesser concern atm

but we wont agree on this ever as you watch media that try to convince you that USA should invade iraq
granted im less for a war with iraq because our media isnt pushing for war
but on the other hand isnt a peacefull solution the best if one can be achived?
« Last Edit: 2003-02-24, 13:44 by pepe » Logged
Posts: 607

« Reply #18 on: 2003-02-24, 15:44 »

You mean Americans aren't already spat at when going around the world Devlar? I don't see why, after all we are the largest terrorist country in the world. The dictionary definition for terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion, and that's exactly what we are doing at this very moment. I personally don't see why North Korea is ruled out so quickly though, I hear they have very nice cabbage... Of course that won't fuel our vehicles. This is what being global police gets you though, hate, especially when you have an incompetent leader who can barely manage to read the teleprompter. Sounds like another power struggle at the expense of the American dream to me Slipgate - Sad
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 827

« Reply #19 on: 2003-02-24, 15:48 »

bush gave iraq weapons during the iran iraq war but he didnt give them any VX gas!.
  and its not the united states that is owned 30 billion in oil from saddam its the french. 30 billion they wont get if saddam is taken out .
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