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Author Topic: Earth Powerup Ideas Thread  (Read 77650 times)
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Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #40 on: 2004-05-02, 03:47 »

Quad is quad. Balance is hard enough as it is. Don't count on it happening :p

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #41 on: 2004-05-07, 15:22 »

With the Strogg invulnerability out of the way (http://www.planetquake.com/tabun/tmp/previ..._strogg_pu5.jpg), it's time to think about the other strogg powerups.

It all started as a simple modelling job, and simply applying the quake3-shader on the newly modelled powerups was the plan.
But now other possibilities are worth exploring. At this point, several things should be noted.
All strogg powerups (aside from the invul.) are embossed symbols. None of them feature any details aside from their general shape. The wings provide their Strogginess.

The options:

a) The entire model, including wings, is shaderized as the quake 3 objects are.
b) The entire model, including wings, is skinned with a texture like seen on the invulnerability wings (see link above if you don't know what that is)
c) The centerpiece of the model is shaderized like the quake 3 objects are, while the wings are skinned with the stroggish texture, colorized to match the powerup's function.

At the moment, i'm leaning towards option C myself. The exception is the invisibility, for which I would apply A.


Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 346

« Reply #42 on: 2004-05-07, 18:08 »

I vote C, although it depends what the shader looks like. It could look kind of odd to have these textures strogg wings, and then have a center object that doesn't seem to match and looks completely different, so it almost looks like 2 different objects. Likewise I think the C option provides a consistency between the Q3 items and the Q2 items that isn't as present in the other options.
Posts: 1110

« Reply #43 on: 2004-05-07, 19:03 »

B: Tradition above all else, at least as far as themes go. The classical look is what helps make this mod what it is, and imo it'd be wise not to deviate from it too far.
Mean ol Swede
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« Reply #44 on: 2004-05-07, 20:15 »

I agree with tek then B is my choice.
Thomas Mink

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« Reply #45 on: 2004-05-08, 01:05 »

I too feel B as being the choice to make... mostly for reasons stated in Gnam's post.

I just can't picture the centerpiece being shadered like the q3 objects... while the wings are textured all Stroggish... without it looking out of place.

EDIT: I can picture the invisibility powerup being done in the fashion of A... and it would fit the theme of the powerup... but that's up to you.
« Last Edit: 2004-05-08, 01:08 by ~SpAwN~ » Logged

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Bird of Fire

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« Reply #46 on: 2004-05-08, 01:46 »

I'm with B, with the exception of the invisibility since the ghosty shader will look good there and Q2 never had an invisibility.  To be frank I've never liked the Q3 "circus clown" way of colorizing everything.  I like colors, and I like rainbows, but there is a limit.  Energy effects, yeah, we like those.  Nifty shaders make things look nifty where appropriate, but let's not overdo it.  Our focus is, and remains, old-school so let's stick with old-school wherever we can.  Once someone grabs a powerup there's very little doubt of what it does anyway.  The announcer pretty much handles that, so unless you're deaf AND stupid you'll get the general idea the first time you grab it. Slipgate - Smile

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

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« Reply #47 on: 2004-05-08, 02:32 »

I like C, if the shader is subtle.

Otherwise, B

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« Reply #48 on: 2004-05-08, 06:04 »

I vote B. They are powerups for Strogg, so they should look like Strogg's powerups, textured and not shadered. That includes Invisibility.

If you see a "Rona Altana" out there on the internet somewhere, that's probably me
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #49 on: 2004-05-08, 14:51 »

I'm convinced. Tekhead is right, and a grainy texture is definately more stroggish than the shaders. It is also very hard to get them subtle. Their power-uppish effect can probably be enhanced by a glow shader instead, much like the items in Quake 2 did.
The one exception will be the invisibility. It is a much more subtle shader effect than the others, and looks spiffy. There is also no viable alternative. White would not look the part, I fear. In any case, if it looks off, it can easily be changed, later.

For the rest, B it is. Soon, I shall have a proper skin for the flight, regeneration and haste.

I've also worked on slipgate powerup design for a bit:

The Regen item is pretty much done. I've always been fond of Egyptian symbology, and it can easily be given a gothic touch for utter Slipgateness. It also leaves little to the imagination, as to the function.
For flight, some kind of wing-resembling rune, or perhaps the directions-rose in the middle. I'm not sure about that one, so any ideas are as always, welcome.
The haste is sortof a lightning bolt with a runic touch. Self explanatory, I should say.
The beserk kit is a less obvious. It was based on the strength rune used in some QW mods. That is also not a definite.

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

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« Reply #50 on: 2004-05-08, 20:51 »

Going with the runes is definitely the best way to go with Slipgate's powerups. The only problem you run into with that is when you start playing CTF -- Slippy's "techs" were the runes.

If class-based techs aren't even being considered, then it's a non-issue. Just use the runes commonly used for autodoc (Regeneration), haste (Haste? No kidding...)... the strength rune for Berserk is a stretch. Anyone really thinking old school would pick that up and be thinking permanent 2x power on all weapons.

If class-based techs are in the work... I guess it's time to hit the drawing board for everything except Invul and Invis. Slipgate - Distraught

Since Berserk replaces the Medkit, but Quake had nothing like it, why not follow the example set by the other classes that currently do? Arena sees a needle, Doom sees a black Medikit, and Strogg sees his Adrenaline -- all health items. Why not go the same route for Slipgate and give him another health item for his Berserk?

If you see a "Rona Altana" out there on the internet somewhere, that's probably me
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #51 on: 2004-05-08, 23:41 »

The runes are not exact copies of the tech designs of which I spoke, so there won't be much of a prob there. It'll all be intuitive enough.
I'm not about to make class-related techs. If anyone else is up for it, they might be made. I really don't think that would be a good idea though. the amount of models & skins that have to be loaded is insane as it is, and another set of items that need 4 times the data, with so little to gain, would be madness imo.

You're right, Makou, a meditkit type solution would be more consistent with the rest of the classes. It would also indicate a less powerful item, which is correct.
The reason I sketched it up as a rune, is because it seems to be a magical effect, quake-magical, if you catch my drift. Then again, there's absolutely no reason to assume this, so it might as well be an adrenaline shot.
I'll sketch up a medikit-type item for it.

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

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« Reply #52 on: 2004-05-09, 02:32 »

I like the single-wing runic symbol for the slipgate flight, and so does Gina. Slipgate - Wink

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« Reply #53 on: 2004-05-09, 02:38 »

I personally like the right-most concept design for the Slipgate Flight power-up Tabun.  It's simplistic and immediately recognizable.

Going back to Earth's power-ups, I do realize that you're trying to avoid the WW2 theme, but I think a jet-pack would best suit Earth for a Flight power-up.  I am all for the treasures from Wolfenstein-3D representing power-ups, but at the same time, I think soley having treasures for the power-ups is a bad idea.   It'll clash with the design of Earth's armor and weaponry too much methinks.

On to the rest of my suggestions...

Invulnerability:  Spear of Destiny
Regeneration:  Cross or Chalice

Invisibility is a "toughie."  My first thoughts would be that of a cloaking device, but I know you also want to avoid the "cybertech" theme.  Might I suggest a shield or a coat-of-arms then?  Possbily even a cloak of some kind...

Haste is also a "toughie," but I have an odd suggestion for it.  How about a vial containing a yellow liquid or perhaps a needle containing yellow liquid instead?

I hope this helps you out some. Slipgate - Smile

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #54 on: 2004-05-09, 08:05 »

Well for Slipgate stuff I like the single wing for flight, and the Ankh for Regen is fine by me.  I think for a Berserk powerup why not take the small health boxes and color them black with an evil glowing red cross?  In other words, just a reskin of the small ( +5 ) health boxes?  That seems a straight-forward solution.  I can scale the item slightly for emphasis if we like as well.

Class-based techs are out of the question, or we're really going to start confusing people.  The effects are universal per class, and techs were only featured in Q1 and Q2.  We already have a rune for the Slipgate armor shard, so we'll just stick with a universal set of models based around the Q2 design for techs.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #55 on: 2004-05-09, 12:10 »

Invisibility for earth could be a 'stelthsuit' designed to be mat black like the plane.

Earth haste could be a skateboard kind of thing, with jets.

Adrenalin could be a BIG choc bar. (candy bar for the people across the water)

How about a viking helmet for beserk?
Posts: 55

« Reply #56 on: 2004-05-09, 13:49 »

That jetpack idea is brilliant, if you ask me thats the way to go with the Earth class. A sort of 50's-60's science fiction theme along the lines of the Fallout games.  I think it would work, because both Wolf games have a lot of that sort of stuff - Gatling guns, mad scientists, retro-mechanoid zombie mutants etc etc.
Posts: 346

« Reply #57 on: 2004-05-10, 18:17 »

My only objection  to the B option is this; the strogg texturing works on the invulnerability because it's an actual object; a skull. However, the other powerups don't have real objects; they're essentially just 3D icons, that have to use bright colors. If you try to use realistic texturing, than you end up with "realistic" neon yellow metal texture. I think, somehow, when something is brightly colored it's much more beleivable as a light or some kind of glowing device than purple/yellow rusted metal. Thats my 2 cents.
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #58 on: 2004-05-10, 19:10 »

Although I recognize your concern, I don't fully agree. The centerpieces are indeed embossed symbols. However, so are the wings, and the texture works fine for that. If you want to see it in effect, check out the 99e thread.
A Regenerations item is on its way, and Haste has been completed already. Although, like Tekhead said, they are not entirely stroggish in execution (since neither colours nor symbolism was used for items like this in Quake2), remember that these objects never existed in Quake 2 in the first place. Their effects are rather unStroggish in themselves, so to speak. Anyway, the current designs work for me, and apart from Quad and Invulnerability, the other powerups do not feature prominently, which should reduce the struggling of the opposition ;].

For slippy stuff, think of the armor shard already in Generations. That kind of feel is what I'm currently going for, although I agree it's hard to picture either sketches or unskinned models with a skin, unless you're a skinner ofcourse ;]
« Last Edit: 2004-05-10, 19:25 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 1110

« Reply #59 on: 2004-05-10, 19:20 »

Stepping away from the Strogg stuff... for Q1, I think that the choice for the ankh to represent regeneration is nothing short of excellent. The symbolism in it and the fact that it also fits in with the Q1 gothic-ish theme makes me think that it's the perfect choice =]

As for the others... they're nice sketches? =] (but I'm having a hard time seeing them fitting in)
« Last Edit: 2004-05-10, 19:20 by Tekhead » Logged
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