OK I got a working beta, it is structurally complete minus a few detail brushes that I am working on. Before you play it, READ THIS-
- The trees in the BFG lake are NOT clipped yet.
- I know about the blue/yellow nazi signs, I have to rotate them to make'em look right.
- I shall lower the quad respawn time, I forget if I put it at 3 or 4 minutes but it seems like a looooong time.
- I removed the teleporter from the berserk room and wanna add it somewhere else, any ideas? maybe under the stairs on the red brick room?
- I will fix the area with the electric chair, I will make it a bit bigger, it will NOT affect gameplay at all cause is purely for eye candy, it wuill be clipped off to players.
- The knight by the megahealth is NOT skinned, someone is working on a similar model, I just wanted to get the dimensions.
- The two "electric" knights will be replaced eventually in the final map by the new knights when ready.
- I will add one BFG ammo as suggested earlier.
- Lighting is not finished at all, it is lighted to be able to play it, so don't mind it too much yet.
OK go on and play now :-)
Ahhh one more thing, I think I have a railgun slug ammo somewhere, although there is no railgun, I thought I read that I should do that cause it was ammo for something else for one of the classes, no? Did I err? Which brings me to the next question, the pkarena version will have a railgun, Is a railgun too much for this level for gen? I left it out cause I know you guys don't like crowded levels :-) This railgun will be hidden in the blue ramp, on top of the shotgun, in a room behind the flag, that you gotta rocketjump to (the flag will be not clipped, players will be able to go thru) Hey what can I say, us painkeepers are weird, just wanted to know if you guys think is a good idea for gen.
Here's the beta: