Ok, nobody so far has piped up so I will.
Here's how I see things. Draco, you're not a bad person, however you do have several personality traits that are causing many in the chat room to be uncomfortable and unhappy with your presense. I neither like nor dislike you, I neither mind nor despise your presense. I also have no fear of "retribution" from LeeMon, so I will give an honest assessment of the situation. Feel free to accept or reject my observations.
First, you talk too much. You're very fast on the keyboard, and don't give others much of a chance to speek inbetween your lines. I blame this on youthful exuberence, but a constant flood of short lines in the middle of conversations tends to disrupt the flow of conversation. It overpowers others and this annoys them. Everyone else likes to have a say, and you're "hogging the chat", so to speak.
Second, people don't like to have to repeat themselves. Many times a statement is made by one person, other people reply to it, and you react to the reply without understanding that it IS a reply. You seem oblivious to the previous statement and ask what people are talking about. This is disruptive. Most people use the scrollbar to look back on the conversation to see what points they may have missed. You appear unwilling to do this, and that appears to stem from a desire to talk much and listen little. When one person does all the talking and other people feel they are not being listened too it makes them angry.
Third, you're quite self-centered. Many times several people are holding separate conversations with each other at the same time. You often react as though every line is addressed to you personally when most often they are not. You interrupt people's conversations constantly with responses to statements that are not directed at you, or comments about people's statements toward each other. This always occurs to some degree in conversation, but you carry it to excess.
Fourth, you constantly change the topics and are unable to stay focused on any one thing for any length of time. You make a lot of statements, but do very little in the form of discussion. You jump from topic to topic, thought to thought, and do a lot of unneccessary out-loud thinking on the keyboard. An IRC chatroom is not a blog to record all of your thoughts, it's a room for conversation.
Fifth, whenever someone raises objection to your behavior you become instantly defensive and extremely aggressive in response. Your behavior shows a pattern of acceptence seeking, followed by denial of any wrong doing whenever someone takes issue with your behavior. Respect and friendship is a two-way street. There's give and take, and while you ask for second chances you do very little to give people a reason to offer one when you bite their heads off for saying "I don't like it when you do this". At one point you even asked people to talk to you to point out things you were doing that they found objectionable. One member honored your request, and you catagorically rejected the assessment which you had specifically asked for, and instead began to lecture this member. That is a very quick way to become unpopular and disliked.
Finally, all of this taken together is why you were ejected from the chat room. This IS disruptive behavior. It has nothing to do with personal dislikes. We only kick and ban people for bad behavior and failing to follow requests from moderators to cool it when someone's behavior is disruptive, offensive, or otherwise objectionable. The plain truth is that a number of people have raised objections in private to your behavior, but have been afraid of addressing it directoy from fear of LeeMon retaliating. No matter how baseless this concern may be, it has still been present.
That is my assessment as a fairly impartial observer in this entire spectacle. As I've stated before, I have no personal dislike toward you, but these have been the activities I've noticed that have raised objection among the more active members of the chat room. I am hoping that you will contemplate this and engage in self-examination in place of denial, argument, and retaliation. Your continued presense in the chat room depends entirely on your willingness to be positive and cooperative toward other members. If you decide instead to think only of your own personal wants and ignore how your actions are affecting others within the chat room, and if continued disruptive flamewars and arguments result from your presense and behavior, then your presense will not be welcome, and I will support and enforce any decision made by any of the other moderators and channel ops in respect to this.