There has been almost ZERO news about the bugpatch. Hell, there's been ZERO talk of Gen recently. When are you coming out with the bugpatch? Did you run into any unexpected problems, Ingame and IRL?
If the bug Patch is taking soo long, then maybe more of us should help out with it I'm a dedicated slippy myself so i don't mind working and coming up with settings for slippy themed maps as for V1.0 i have no doubt that once the bug patch is out it won't take long for the animations and extra bits that will make gen the best mod around
Well I'm one for blunt honesty, so here's a status report.
First, I've been busy doing other things which have taken up a good amount of my time. Second, I've been slacking a bit and neither my heart nor mind have been up for working on the mod during this time as well. Third, my normal crew of beta testers has been unavailable. Many have been busy with school, or work, or both, or have system problems. Others are just slacking off and not doing their job of testing.
So where are things now? I have some last minute map rotation stuff to finish up on, final prep work for release, then it's done. I won't go setting dates, but I'm hoping to have this whole thing wrapped up before Thanksgiving if all goes well and I get the time I need.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Cool !! can only mean better Gen Play for us all then as that isn't too far away
I barely have time to jump in and play a map when people are on the servers, let alone go hunting for bugs. But, as Pho said, there isn't much left to do for the bugfix release -- I'm really looking forward to that going public. I'll definitely try to find more time to do the beta testing thing, though, especially after this thing gets out. Sorry about not being around much, Pho. <3
If you see a "Rona Altana" out there on the internet somewhere, that's probably me
What about the single player campaign?
Looooooooooooooooong off. Delayed until 1.0 is finished. Which is also looooooooooooong off. Don't count on hearing about it for a while.
Posts: 1110
Screw singleplayer!
I want co-op (after 1.0 is done)!
Lightning Hunter
Screw singleplayer!
I want co-op (after 1.0 is done)! I want weapon animations... I still haven't played Generations much because I'm waiting for those. I refuse to play a mod that feels incomplete, and I consider weapons that aren't finished an incomplete mod. Hopefully they will eventually get done or Generations will be another sad deceased project...
The 99e bugpatch would make a great Christmas gift.
I really want team deathmatch
Posts: 1095
Yup, that's me
Screw singleplayer!
I want co-op (after 1.0 is done)! I want weapon animations... I still haven't played Generations much because I'm waiting for those. I refuse to play a mod that feels incomplete, and I consider weapons that aren't finished an incomplete mod. Hopefully they will eventually get done or Generations will be another sad deceased project... Screw weap anims! I want co-op (after 1.0, by which time the weap anims will be already in there)!
PSN ID: scalliano
The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
Woolie Wool
Screw singleplayer!
I want co-op (after 1.0 is done)! Single-player is your god. Shambler: I do Generation-versus-Generation TDM matches with two teams of bots all the time. Pretty cool to watch, although Slipgate always loses.
« Last Edit: 2004-12-21, 21:57 by Woolie Wool »
Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
Lightning Hunter: I don't think it's fair to call gen a 'deceased' mod, or even 'unplayable' just because the weapon animations aren't in yet. If you won't play retail game beta's, I can understand that fully - beta testers are paid to get the bugs out, the players should get the full package they lay down hard cash for. This is a free mod, one that will be under construction for some more time. We haven't abandoned it, and as for game-play, especially with the upcoming patch, we have a damned good game going as it is. Weapon animations are icing on the cake. The only thing that can kill this mod is disinterest and lack of enthusiasm from fans.
« Last Edit: 2004-12-21, 23:59 by Tabun »
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
| |
Lost Soul
Posts: 14
I dont think thats going to happen
Screw singleplayer!
I want co-op (after 1.0 is done)! I want weapon animations... I still haven't played Generations much because I'm waiting for those. I refuse to play a mod that feels incomplete, and I consider weapons that aren't finished an incomplete mod. Hopefully they will eventually get done or Generations will be another sad deceased project... Dude, you are a total douche bag.
Beer? I'm down.
I modeled the hand right-handed and never bothered to switch it over to the left side. Besides, Tabun's got a better hand model that's going to replace that one anyway, so everything will be prim and proper before the end.
McDeth: Ease down there fella. I know you're being protective of the mod, but namecalling like that is against the forum rules. Lightning Hunter just wants to see animations, like we all do. There's nothing wrong with waiting for good things. Just think how much it's going to blow his socks off the first time he sees Gen - complete with animated weapons. Don't go chasing off someone who might just pimp the mod that much harder once that happens!
« Last Edit: 2004-12-23, 07:49 by Phoenix »
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 1095
Yup, that's me
<font color=#How many other largesse mods for Q3 have called it quits already?</font> Bug Zone, Unreal Arena (I was looking forward to that one), MatrixQ3, Reborn, the list goes on. (OK, so the last one was due to legal reasons, but still.)
PSN ID: scalliano
The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.