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Author Topic: Final Doom (Go 2 It)  (Read 22201 times)
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Posts: 103

« on: 2005-06-25, 17:41 »

has anyone here actually beaten go 2 it by killing all the monsters? even on easy? almost impossible. Slipgate - Tongue

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #1 on: 2005-06-25, 17:52 »

Never ended the Final Doom episodes. To lazy. But i'm curious : who is go 2 it?


Posts: 103

« Reply #2 on: 2005-06-25, 17:57 »

go 2 it is the last level EVER of final doom.

most games end with a boss fight, but Id Software goes overboard and gives u 100 boss fights.

gives a new name to doom.
literally fighting off hordes of demons
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #3 on: 2005-06-25, 18:33 »

my cousin did did it but without killing evereone on the level and yea that level is EVIl
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #4 on: 2005-06-25, 20:52 »

It's been ages since I've played Final Doom, but I know I've beaten that beast of a level.  Go 2 it isn't the last level either, it's the second secret level of The Plutonia Experiment.  It's a monster fest for sure, but you can beat it (legitimately) if you save often and don't go in guns blazing all the time.  Let the monsters fight each other, especially the cybers.  Let them take out the weaker monsters, and when they start getting low in number (and the cybers are weakened a bit) use the distraction to BFG the cybers point blank from behind.  One or two shots will do it for a single cyber, just watch that the flash doesn't piss his buddies off.  Take out one cyber, run like hell, and get them mad at the other monsters again.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  If you beat the level you'll actually have more kills than the level dictates since archviles will have done a hell of a lot of resurrecting in that courtyard.

Speaking of which, the trick to the courtyard once the archies show up is to stay in a defensible position and let the other monsters hit the archviles.  You'll waste ammo trying it any other way.  Archies don't have unlimited health, and they can't be resurrected, nor can they resurrect cybers.  Let them resurrect whatever, and let the monsters wear them down.  Just be sure you keep out of their sight, avoid rockets from the cybers, and keep the archies between you and the other monsters.  Monsters won't ever deliberately attack an archvile, even in retaliation, so you have to get them killed by accidental shots resulting from poor monster aim.  Then, once they're dead, clean the monsters out again (including the new cybers that have shown up behind that dropped barrier).  If you can get the archies to cluster at either end of the courtyard, then by all means pump a few crates of rockets into them.

You just have to be careful on that level, and avoid getting pinned between groups of monsters.  Kill archviles first whenever and wherever possible.  Remember, there's rockets a plenty, so save the plasma ammo for the BFG to take out the cybers and large groups of monsters.  Use the chaingun to snipe weakened monsters or archviles from long range, but watch your ammo supply.  Let the monsters do the grunt work on each other for you.
 Thumbs up!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #5 on: 2005-06-25, 21:06 »

Quote from: Phoenix
Let the monsters do the grunt work on each other for you.
So you don't have to bribe them? They really are Old-School monsters. Slipgate - Laugh
« Last Edit: 2005-06-25, 21:06 by [KruzadeR] » Logged


Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 785

« Reply #6 on: 2005-06-26, 03:00 »

Quote from: NovAReapeR
most games end with a boss fight, but Id Software goes overboard and gives u 100 boss fights.
id didn't make Final Doom. Team TNT did. id just allowed them to distribute in stores.

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« Reply #7 on: 2005-06-26, 03:37 »

Actually, a deal was reached that got the episodes distributed by Id/Activision. Team TNT received literally no payment for their work on the maps, or so Ty Haldermen told me a few years ago.

If you see a "Rona Altana" out there on the internet somewhere, that's probably me
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #8 on: 2005-06-26, 05:27 »

It rocks though.  I should set up to play Final Doom using Doomsday sometime.  First I have to play Thy Flesh Consumed and Doom II though.  <3

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1095

Yup, that's me

« Reply #9 on: 2005-06-26, 06:24 »

I've beaten Go2It, but haven't killed all of the monsters though. I'm currently playing through all of the Dooms again with jDoom, so I'll give it a try when I reach it.

 Slipgate - Off Topic Picked up a second hand copy of the PSX version of Final Doom the other week for a fiver. Misleading title, since there's hardly any of Final Doom in it Slipgate - Roll Eyes

PSN ID: scalliano

The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #10 on: 2005-06-26, 11:48 »

Archies don't have unlimited health, and they can't be resurrected, nor can they resurrect cybers
I dont know what doom your playing but in my doom archies resurrect fellow archies .

Posts: 103

« Reply #11 on: 2005-06-26, 14:23 »

where can i get jDoom and all these other doom graphics engines?

im using a Geforce 4 right now, so my graphics for doom r pretty crappy

oh and btw pho, thanks for the tips Slipgate - Smile i beat go 2 it, but i get dumped into the omen, one of the first levels in that chaptter. is that suppose tohappen?
« Last Edit: 2005-06-26, 14:26 by NovAReapeR » Logged

Posts: 1095

Yup, that's me

« Reply #12 on: 2005-06-26, 16:37 »

Quote from: NovAReapeR
where can i get jDoom and all these other doom graphics engines?

im using a Geforce 4 right now, so my graphics for doom r pretty crappy

oh and btw pho, thanks for the tips Slipgate - Smile i beat go 2 it, but i get dumped into the omen, one of the first levels in that chaptter. is that suppose tohappen?

BTW Up until recently I was using a GF2 with no problems, so there's no worries there.


PSN ID: scalliano

The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8817

« Reply #13 on: 2005-06-26, 19:18 »

Quote from: games keeper
I dont know what doom your playing but in my doom archies resurrect fellow archies .
I don't know what hacked version of Doom YOU are running, but they're not supposed to do that.  They didn't do it in Doom II version 1.666 up to version 1.9, or Final Doom.  I have never, ever seen an archvile resurrect another, and besides that, I can prove it.  Condensed for space:

From:  p_enemy.c
// PIT_VileCheck
// Detect a corpse that could be raised.
    if (thing->info->raisestate == S_NULL)
return true; // monster doesn't have a raise state

From:  info.c
    {  // MT_VILE
S_NULL  // raisestate

PIT_VileCheck returns "true" if it needs to keep checking for corpses, returns "false" if it found something that can be resurrected.  If a monster's raisestate is S_NULL it cannot be resurrected.  The code does not lie, though it can be modded.[/color]  :rules:

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #14 on: 2005-06-26, 20:04 »

Doomsday Page

DooM, DooM II & Final DooM Remastered Soundtrack

JFiles - Lots of JDooM pack including JDUI, JDEP, JDTP & JDRP


Posts: 103

« Reply #15 on: 2005-06-26, 21:05 »

what i mean by crappy is, i have a ati radeon 9800 in the basement, and the graphics are simply amazing for any game. but what i usually use is the one in my room, the one im using now, which has the geforce. there not AS good up here as the ati radeon.

btw ty for showing me where to get jdoom. its simply amazing. when u kil lsomething with a rocket it actually looks like the blood is spurting everywhere.
« Last Edit: 2005-06-26, 21:07 by NovAReapeR » Logged
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8817

« Reply #16 on: 2005-06-26, 21:23 »

What I love is the cacodemons bleed blue stuff all over the place, and you can configure the dynamic lights.  I have additive lights running (super eyecandy experience), with some manual tweaking of some of the cvars controlling the glows on decorations like ceiling lights, etc, so it's not overpowering.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #17 on: 2005-06-26, 21:42 »

PIT_VileCheck returns "true" if it needs to keep checking for corpses, returns "false" if it found something that can be resurrected. If a monster's raisestate is S_NULL it cannot be resurrected. The code does not lie, though it can be modded. 

Thats odd

Posts: 103

« Reply #18 on: 2005-06-27, 00:36 »

in doomsday how do i warp to a certain level?
not to be a cheater, but i wanan warp right to go 2 it and start slaughtering demons by the hordes.  :rules:   <3   Doomed
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8817

« Reply #19 on: 2005-06-27, 00:46 »

Idclev 32.  Don't do it from the console, just hit the keys.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
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