That's actually not a bug. The invulnerability is configurable to provide differing degrees of protection depending on server and player preference. By default for .99f it's set to 66% protection. This is changing in 1.0 to 100% protection by default, with servers able to reduce as desired.
To enable full invulnerability in .99f, bring down the console (hit the ~ key) and type the following commands:
/seta g_invulnfactor 100 /seta g_invulnsplashfactor 100
That will allow you to pummel bots with impunity. Just be aware that online servers might have this set differently, so if you grab the powerup keep an eye on your health regardless.
To enable spawn protection, enter the following command:
/seta g_spawnprotect 3
This will give you and any other player, including bots, 3 seconds of complete invulnerability at spawn. You can use any number of seconds you like, but 3 is a good number and what we usually use in online games. Again, servers might use a different value but you'll be able to tell once you're playing. Spawn protection lasts until the timer runs out or you fire a weapon. Neither invulnerability nor spawn protection will save you from Fog of Death, falling into the void, being crushed by certain moving objects, or telefrags. You can still be knocked around by explosions as well, but you won't take damage.