The mod is definitely not dead. We do need to work on hosting some servers as we recently lost our two most stable hosts. We'll be working on that shortly.
Right now there's no way to disable self-damage without using the /god cheat command. If you just want to practice rocket jumping, at the console, use /devmap to enable cheats on a map, for example, /devmap gen-q2dm1. Once the map loads, type /god at the console and you can rocket jump all you like.
As for bright skins, there's no plan on that. Gen is based purely around the classic games and CPMA/OSP are tourney mods with a specific play style. Bright skins by nature make players more visible. That takes away from the game play as players that would prefer to see classic skins will not have the visibility advantage that players using bright skins will have. The only skin we've considered problematic as far as visibility is concerned is the Bones/bones skin, which is the non-glowing skeleton. We've fixed this by modifying the model's shader to provide a minimum visibility level so it is not any harder to see than any other model/skin combination.