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Author Topic: Generations arena wishlist  (Read 119161 times)
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Spider Mastermind
Posts: 407

In cunning 480p!

« on: 2011-08-18, 02:57 »

so after being a member of generations for small while now,i think i'm ready for a wishlist,so lets begin Doomed

1.maps:A remake of Q1DM6 should be done,i know there is one but it's not too good because its not 99% true to the original.A final showdown map should be made for 2v2 deathmatch (just split the ctf version in half).
2.items:Not much here,though the strogg armors are not as cool as the originals
3.models.Remaking the old quake 2 models (not really as grunt skins) would real awesome.
4.game modes: a ffa clan arena would be awesomeeee,some kind of monster hunt mode could be epic,and team  elimanation(without the full arsenal and ammo+health)and some u.t assault mode,it be cool
  4.5:campaign mode-ok here we go, bundle 32 maps (2 secret) into 4 episodes (1.E.S,2.Doom,3.Slipgate,4.Strogg)you could have people vote for their favorite maps per episode.it could also be played with 1-7 other people for co-op;also at the the beginning you can choose your favorite generation of all to play as. Oh and at the of some episodes you could returned to a Q1 style hub entrances

that should be it for my wishlist,it's more likely you wont put any of this gen;oh well.  Slipgate - Smirk
« Last Edit: 2011-08-18, 04:08 by J3E125 » Logged

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #1 on: 2011-08-18, 13:02 »

Well, anyone can have a wishlist, but since you've posted it publicly I get to critique.  Slipgate - Wink

1.maps:A remake of Q1DM6 should be done,i know there is one but it's not too good because its not 99% true to the original.A final showdown map should be made for 2v2 deathmatch (just split the ctf version in half).
I have a directly-converted (non-releasable) version of Q1DM6 that I used for testing of Slipgate weapons.  A true-to-scale Q1 map is way too small and tight for Generations.  Our version of Q1DM6 is going to be sticking around for the foreseeable future.  As for Showdown... the map author would need to be contacted for that since it was made by someone that is not on our team.  We can't modify the map without permission since it belongs to someone else... but I would love to have a classic Showdown map for DM.  Had good times playing Instagib Q2 there.

2.items:Not much here,though the strogg armors are not as cool as the originals
There are some minor differences in the head area of the red armor, but otherwise they look pretty much the same to me.

3.models.Remaking the old quake 2 models (not really as grunt skins) would real awesome.
It would also be really time consuming, plus getting the animations completely identical to Quake 2 would not be possible owing to how Quake 3 animates models.  Yeah, I could force the code to make models animate like in Quake 2, but I don't really want to go back to "hyperblaster surfing" when I've been getting new third-person animation stances working, like Grunt actually throwing his hand grenade and holding the BFG10K correctly, etc.

4.game modes: a ffa clan arena would be awesomeeee,some kind of monster hunt mode could be epic,and team  elimanation(without the full arsenal and ammo+health)and some u.t assault mode,it be cool
Clan Arena - likely.  Monster hunt... well that's "Resurgence" and it's on indefinite hold while the rest of the mod gets done (might hit technical limitations).  UT assault mode... not going to happen.

4.5:campaign mode-ok here we go, bundle 32 maps (2 secret) into 4 episodes (1.E.S,2.Doom,3.Slipgate,4.Strogg)you could have people vote for their favorite maps per episode.it could also be played with 1-7 other people for co-op;also at the the beginning you can choose your favorite generation of all to play as. Oh and at the of some episodes you could returned to a Q1 style hub entrances
Let me fix the normal Q3 single player first, then we might look at a possible Gen Single Player mode... well after the multiplayer is perfect.

that should be it for my wishlist,it's more likely you wont put any of this gen;oh well.  Slipgate - Smirk
As I tell everyone, I'm always open to ideas but don't get upset if I don't use them.  John Romero once said, "Design is Law".  It's about as difficult, too.  Slipgate - Smile

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Spider Mastermind
Posts: 407

In cunning 480p!

« Reply #2 on: 2011-08-18, 14:52 »

hmm i do think i went a bit overboard with assault mode..hehe
ok as for the monster hunt it'll be more want then possible.as for the dm6 it should be played 1v1 but i was able grab an awesome one from lvl world,but cant get people to play.
Ok for the quake 2 models i dont have a clue about their animations,all they do is run and turn around as for jumping they move up.the armor may not mater although the Q2 one was cooler.and not much to say for editing showdown.
Finally,the campaign is what i want the most from the wishlist,i think my idea is pretty genius,i mean how awesome would it be ripping apart ogers with q2 machine guns or obliterating massive cyberdemons with bfg10k's i think this should be in a need list

Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #3 on: 2011-08-18, 22:02 »

Regarding the size on my q1dm6 remake the map has to be abit sized to be playable in quake 3 and generations arena, this is a common problem with all maps from quake 1, but compared to the original it's not that much bigger Slipgate - Smile

Also there is no point in doing a direct conversion from the original (it's also not allowed to do that) we want the maps to look better, (that's the goal atleast! sometimes it's successfull sometimes not!) and not follow the original map like a slave!

Anyways thanks for your feedback and thoughts!

Spider Mastermind
Posts: 407

In cunning 480p!

« Reply #4 on: 2011-08-18, 22:53 »

oh yeah i forgot it's copyright and you got shut down for that one time Slipgate - Smirk
well then make the best damn DM6 remake ive seen (the dm6 in  generations is mediocre) Doom - Exclamation Doom - Thumbs Up!
« Last Edit: 2011-08-18, 23:06 by J3E125 » Logged

Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #5 on: 2011-08-18, 23:09 »

Well i might have another go at that map and do some changes(did it around 2004 and it's also used brush primitives which is not supported in the new gtk radiant 1.5 series so i need to install an old version of gtk radiant and resave it as a non brush primitives and all texture coords will be lost if you do that *sigh*) but that will be an later project, want to get dm2 and dm3 finished first!

Spider Mastermind
Posts: 407

In cunning 480p!

« Reply #6 on: 2011-08-18, 23:15 »

well then do that first, then do dm6 Slipgate - Thumbs up!


Spider Mastermind
Posts: 407

In cunning 480p!

« Reply #7 on: 2011-08-20, 05:03 »

Ok I added some new stuff and perfecting the wishlist.
How about a modified ut assault that won't be exact or over the top limits but feel some reminiscence of it, there'll be 2 teams one defending the base and the other assaulting. Instead of destroying an object it could be a flag that would be captured somewhere in the base or back to the spawn point.
Here's another simpler gametype tactical dm or ctf.
It could take place in big maps with lots of players. two teams would normally spawn with a twist, your team has limited lives,(if a player dies they will lose a life and has to use another)and will have to eliminate the other teams lives until they lose,ammo will be limited and health is scarce.
 One last gamemode is melee mayhem, players are stripped from their machineguns and boomsticks and forced to use melee weapons. To add realism adrenaline pumps in so they'll move faster and stab faster, adding to the fun random powersups are given to random players that could help or hurt them; could be turned into tag mode.(for stroggs give em the ground zero chainsaw if possible.)Doom - Thumbs Up!
that's it for now guys so you in the forums! Slipgate - Smile
« Last Edit: 2011-08-20, 05:12 by J3E125 » Logged


Posts: 143

« Reply #8 on: 2011-08-20, 13:31 »

Well, may I show my little wishlist, as with lack of Internet for a day i refreshed my Gen skills.
I hope to see "oldschool" game setting to see earlier than on full 1.0 release, and to give some brain to doom bots, so they don't try to "shot" me with chainsaw.  Doom - Exclamation
And/or to give them/us 5shells so maybe they use it, until it's done properly.  Slipgate - Ninja
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #9 on: 2011-08-21, 08:45 »

Haha oh yeah rabid chainsaw doomer bots gotta love em! Slipgate - Wink
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8815

« Reply #10 on: 2011-08-21, 15:38 »

Doom bots will know how to use the chainsaw better.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
« Reply #11 on: 2011-08-22, 12:09 »

My wishlist is to create a Duke Nukem class that uses Duke Nukem 3D weapons except laser trip bomb because it may be hard to code. (Possibly as an addon in future when 1.0 is released)
Here is the item/weapon placement:
Quick Kick - Gauntlet (starting weapon)
Pistol - Starting Weapon
Shotgun - Shotgun ; Shells box - Shells box
Chaingun - Machinegun (found if mapper puts a Q3 machinegun, also can be starting weapon with low/no ammo) ; Chaingun Box - Chaingun Box
RPG - Rocket Launcher ; Rockets - Rockets box
PipeBomb box - Grenade Launcher ; A Pipebomb in Grenade Ammo
Shrinker - BFG ;  Shrinker Ammo - BFG Ammo
Devastators - Lightning Gun? ; Devastator Ammo - Lightning box
Freezethrower - Plasma Gun ; Freezer Ammo - Cells Box
You can also quick qick while holding any weapon by an altfire command. (with text Mighty Boot Engaged)
Small Health +10 - 25 Health Globe
Large Health +30 - 50 Health Globe
Atomic Health (+50) - Mega Health (health won't decrease back to 100)
For small health globe, it can be a small green health box version of 10+ health.
Portable Medkit - Medkit (acts the same as Q3 medkit)
Steroids - Haste/Speed
Jetpack - Flight
Boots & Scuba Gear? - Battle Suit? (boots for walking in acid/lava and scuba gear for allowing to breath underwater)
Damage Amplifier - Quad Damage (This new inventory item is a DN3D mod, can you guess which mod? Slipgate - Wink)
Night Vision Googles - Invisibility (both make you invisible and see in dark places as in a mod)
? - Regeneration
These are my thoughts. It is possible?
« Last Edit: 2011-08-22, 12:12 by FistMarine » Logged
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8815

« Reply #12 on: 2011-08-22, 17:24 »

It is not possible to add anything Duke related into Gen.  Duke Nukem is a completely different intellectual property, which we don't have permission to use.  In addition, Duke is not an Id character.  It would be outside the focus of our project.  Besides, I think Duke's ego is too big to fit in our code.  Slipgate - Cool

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #13 on: 2011-08-22, 17:43 »

"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum." Hellz yes! Duke whould be awsome but as pho said Dukes ego wont fit the code Slipgate - Wink

Posts: 603

I have no clue what to put here...

« Reply #14 on: 2011-08-22, 18:08 »

Could be worse... someone could be asking for a Borderlands class...

Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 484

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« Reply #15 on: 2011-08-22, 18:39 »

I'm still waiting for that Commander Keen class...

Slipgate - Tongue
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #16 on: 2011-08-23, 11:02 »

Keen whould just use his pogo stick and jump the code to oblivion so that wont happen! Slipgate - Sad
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8815

« Reply #17 on: 2011-08-23, 12:20 »

Besides, Keen was obliterated four times over in Doom 2.  I don't think he'd last too long in the Arenas. Doomed

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 827

« Reply #18 on: 2011-08-23, 16:00 »

 A doom 3 class would be pretty cool but i doubt the soul cube would be possible to reproduce.
Hans Grosse
Posts: 267

« Reply #19 on: 2011-08-23, 16:26 »

I don't know about the gameplay mechanics of the laser trip bomb, but, just going by your description alone, I assume it's something you throw and whatever it lands on (even the ground?) it will create a laser normal to the surface it lands on.  You'd need to create the entity, store the origin and normal, and make the think function do a trace to see if anyone is intersecting it.  You could even fairly easily allow it to be detonated by rockets, plasma, and grenades that pass through it. 

Of course you'd need a new trajectory (or you could just use the grenade trajectory), but phoenix likes to make everything as true to the original as possible, so I imagine there would be research work on what the actual trajectory was (is duke open source?) and possibly more (like what he had to do with doom for projectile movement).

Anyway, I thought it's a fun idea for just a general mod, I would throw it into q3au if I still played q3.
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