My wishlist is to create a Duke Nukem class that uses Duke Nukem 3D weapons except laser trip bomb because it may be hard to code. (Possibly as an addon in future when 1.0 is released)
Here is the item/weapon placement:
Quick Kick - Gauntlet (starting weapon)
Pistol - Starting Weapon
Shotgun - Shotgun ; Shells box - Shells box
Chaingun - Machinegun (found if mapper puts a Q3 machinegun, also can be starting weapon with low/no ammo) ; Chaingun Box - Chaingun Box
RPG - Rocket Launcher ; Rockets - Rockets box
PipeBomb box - Grenade Launcher ; A Pipebomb in Grenade Ammo
Shrinker - BFG ; Shrinker Ammo - BFG Ammo
Devastators - Lightning Gun? ; Devastator Ammo - Lightning box
Freezethrower - Plasma Gun ; Freezer Ammo - Cells Box
You can also quick qick while holding any weapon by an altfire command. (with text Mighty Boot Engaged)
Small Health +10 - 25 Health Globe
Large Health +30 - 50 Health Globe
Atomic Health (+50) - Mega Health (health won't decrease back to 100)
For small health globe, it can be a small green health box version of 10+ health.
Portable Medkit - Medkit (acts the same as Q3 medkit)
Steroids - Haste/Speed
Jetpack - Flight
Boots & Scuba Gear? - Battle Suit? (boots for walking in acid/lava and scuba gear for allowing to breath underwater)
Damage Amplifier - Quad Damage (This new inventory item is a DN3D mod, can you guess which mod?
Night Vision Googles - Invisibility (both make you invisible and see in dark places as in a mod)
? - Regeneration
These are my thoughts. It is possible?