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Author Topic: Slipgate vs Doom: Read me! (I said read me!)  (Read 34462 times)
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games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #60 on: 2004-05-27, 15:46 »

al wrong , fear tab is his rail :s
Icon of Booze

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« Reply #61 on: 2004-05-27, 17:00 »

oh i can hold my drink.....except for that time in germany but other than that i hold it just fine.
Paco the Taco

Posts: 21

« Reply #62 on: 2004-05-28, 04:58 »

The Doom guy owns ALL the others. For one thing, Doom has the most bad-ass weapons, and sounds like a BAD MOFO. Also, he takes no falling damage from any height. I have even tested it. Lastly, he runs like an Olympic track star! The Doom guy, I wouldn't doubt, will probably start a "that's not fair" trend pretty soon, just like the AWP in Counter-Strike.

Well, until then,
~Paco the Taco~


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« Reply #63 on: 2004-05-28, 05:05 »

Slipgate - Off Topic click the 'close all tags' link to the side of the buttons to make your text work properly Slipgate - Off Topic

Lack of falling damage isn't that big of a boost on most maps.
The speed is nice, but slippy is the second fastest class, and NOTHING can outrun those rockets.

I think that Doom is a better all-around class than slipgate, personally, but if the RL is present with any decent amount of ammo, Slippy's tough.

Being a one-gun wonder is slippy's biggest weakness. The GL is nice, and the shaft is very powerful, but both are of limited use. Only the RL is capable of large-scale destruction. On maps where the RL is scarce or against players who specifically deny a slipgater that weapon, skippy is toast.

Posts: 100

« Reply #64 on: 2004-05-28, 07:21 »

you know, I can't even believe how many people have to go and diss Slipgate for being a one weapon wonder. I thought Gen was to celebrate ALL of the id games by throwing these different classes in. I never would've imagined the competitive nature of everyone, or how everyone thinks Doom is gods gift to the game. I've played with both Slipgate and Doom, and I feel the most at home with Quake cause well, I existed in the Quake community in its peak back in 1997. where was Doom? oh yeah, on isolated networks and pay-to-play services. Doom is so synthetic in Gen because it never existed in a 'Quake' engine game, and the main coder for Wirehead is a Doom fan. this is understandable... Pho's been playing Doom since it was on 3.5" floppies. I've never seen so many fanboys for a friggin ridiculous class. what, because Doom is the fastest, that's supposed to automatically make it the best class? Slipgate is the bane of effort-less kills? ever heard of a plasma gun or a BFG or a gay rocket spam cannon like Doom's? I guess not.

Slipgate was engineered in 1995 to be the monster it was because that was id's first widespread multiplayer online game, and you can't deny the massive quantities of modifications or the flexibility that the engine had to offer. sure, Doom was huge, but it was a single player game first and a highly innovative multiplayer game second. Quake was the opposite. remember Qtest? all of the weapons were usable in Quake in one way or another. the shotgun sucked for obvious reasons: it was the standard weapon. the nailguns worked wonders in water battles. and well.... the lightning gun was no BFG, but god, why is it so difficult for people to accept things the way they are? I thought the lightning gun was a cool concept, and it was definately different than a gun you shoot and look at enemies to kill everything on the screen. wow. that takes skill!!!!

of all the id games, Quake wasn't my glory days. I enjoy applying the skills that I've attained during my time as a Rocket Arena 2 player to my playing style with Slipgate. the few games I've played in Gen were really exciting and I just feel as if Slipgate is 'my' class. I've played with Doom and I'm sorry, but that was the worst CTF game I ever played in my life. Doom's a cool class that I wish I liked but just don't because Slipgate feels more natural to me. I'd like to ally with the Doomers in thrashing the Arena tools. and before you mention anything about my sucking at the game and Slipgate is my way of compensating for it, bear in mind Doomers, Earth will shatter your souls and so will Strogg.

Slipgate vs. Doom...
coming to a Generations Arena near you
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #65 on: 2004-05-28, 12:47 »

By no means do you hear me bitch about Slippy being a 1 gun wonder. In fact, I don't think that goes at all. His GL kicks ass, and the shaft is simply devastating. What I am bitching about (and ofcourse, by no means so fully and seriously as I make it seem Slipgate - Smile) is that slippy is so easy to frag with, once you get used to the class. His magnificent aircontrol and speed, in combination with his absolutely undodgeable and powerful rocketlauncher, minefield-in-a-can grenadelauncher and hey-momma-where-did-my-nostrils-go shaft making him fairly unstoppable in the hands of all but frail old ladies. Add to that the instant weapon switch, and even those little old ladies could rip a hole in your personal space-time. You never saw it coming. Oh wait, then there's the insane knockback of his RL explosion. Even if a rocket misses a bit, you send your opponent flying harmlessly and aimlessly through the air, away from whereever he was going (that megahealth, perhaps?) - or into whereever he was not going (say, that pool of hellish lava-fog-spacevoid?) or at least into a nice corner where your second rocket, a mere second from the first, will send him to the eternal hunting grounds.

Perhaps Slippy has a hard time on some maps. Perhaps, in a lagfree or broadband server situation, he gnaws on a few rails - and yes, he must do the cha-cha-cha to get his hands on a proper weapon some more. Still, if you're not kicking ass, adjust your strategy, because it certainly isn't Slippies fault. At present, I would say Earth is a close second. That mortar be bitching, no?

Needless to say, indeed, the only ones in Generations that really deserve a true and non-jokingly diss are the Arena freaks. Go play bloody RA3 already, get the hell out of our mod.
For any of the other 1-class-freaks: random kicks your pink hiney! It's more fun, it's more varied and it teaches you how to adjust and adapt like no other setting. But hey- each to his/her own. I like to play with all the classes, and that's a damned good sign for the mod, if you ask me.


Let's step away from the rants for a bit, and think about the most powerful arsenal. I'd like to play against bill gates using:
1 - The Gauntlet
2 - Arena machinegun
3 - Doom's doubletrouble remmington
4 - Earth's napalm
5 - Slippy's rocketlauncher
6 - Stroggs chaingun
7 - Stroggs railgun
8 - Doom's BFG
« Last Edit: 2004-05-28, 13:17 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #66 on: 2004-05-28, 13:12 »

I agree with both of you.

Slippy was and will always be my first love <3  But I intend to play random a lot from now on.
Thomas Mink

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« Reply #67 on: 2004-05-28, 14:43 »

I play as Slipgate when I play. Not because I don't respect the other classes or anything... but because Slippy fits my style more than the others do. I come from the land of q1... it was the first FPS game I played seriously (without cheats), and was my first online gaming experience as well. It also lasted a good 4 or 5 years before I finally quit playing online.

I respect the Doomers... and the Stroggers... and everyone else, even the Arena people. But Slipgate is ME... and even when using the class I'm best with, I'm mediocre.
As for the weapon list...
1 - Arena's gauntlet
2 - Slipgate's boomstick
3 - Doom's friggin 'wtfpwned' double barrel
4 - Slipgate's grenade launcher
5 - Earth's mortar
6 - Strogg's chaingun
7 - Strogg's railgun
8 - Doom's plasma rifle
9 - Earth's dual gats

My choices for 6 & 9 are SO expected of me... lol.
« Last Edit: 2004-05-28, 14:53 by ~SpAwN~ » Logged

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
Paco the Taco

Posts: 21

« Reply #68 on: 2004-05-28, 21:20 »

Look, just so I can be more specific, I was not dissing anyone's opinion or preference. If I came across as that, I apologize. Slipgaters are a pretty good class, but for obvious reasons, Doom is better. I do recall in the original Doom games that the rockets were a lot faster than they are in this mod.

Hey, why not bring back the Laser gun and Double Chainsaw from Doom 64? Those weapons are a fine addition for our Doom guy!

But, I must also say that the square axe from Quake 1 was pretty mean-looking. Why not bring that back as well?

~Paco the Taco~

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #69 on: 2004-05-28, 21:54 »

Why dont you take a look at RTCW? It would help you a lot. For example, on RTCW, armor is represented with a jacket and with an helmet!

Posts: 1110

« Reply #70 on: 2004-05-28, 22:15 »




Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #71 on: 2004-05-28, 22:20 »

Quote from: Paco the Taco
Look, just so I can be more specific, I was not dissing anyone's opinion or preference. If I came across as that, I apologize. Slipgaters are a pretty good class, but for obvious reasons, Doom is better. I do recall in the original Doom games that the rockets were a lot faster than they are in this mod.

Hey, why not bring back the Laser gun and Double Chainsaw from Doom 64? Those weapons are a fine addition for our Doom guy!

But, I must also say that the square axe from Quake 1 was pretty mean-looking. Why not bring that back as well?

~Paco the Taco~
Don't worry about it. Mecha's just a bit...excitable. Slipgate - Wink

As for the Doom64 weapons, we've discussed it in the past and said no, so sorry.

As for the axe, I think it's in for a remodel, re-skin, or both. I forget what we decided on.

Why dont you take a look at RTCW? It would help you a lot. For example, on RTCW, armor is represented with a jacket and with an helmet!

We wanted to me more Wolf3d-ish than RTCW-ish. The only Earth weapon that didn't appear in Wolf3d is the sniper rifle. The flamer is from the Mac version. The mortar was originally  going to be like the bazooka from the same version, but we liked the arcing better.  

And the dual gats, of course, are courtesy of the Grosse family.
« Last Edit: 2004-05-28, 22:22 by ConfusedUs » Logged

Team Member
Posts: 749

« Reply #72 on: 2004-05-29, 00:25 »

Quote from: ConfusedUs
As for the Doom64 weapons, we've discussed it in the past and said no, so sorry.
The only Doom 64 weapon that doesn't exist in the PC games is the Unmaker. I'd like to see it, but it wasn't in any id-created Doom games.

As far as the whole Slipgate vs. Doom thing goes... Slipgate is my favorite class. Always has been, as I also grew up on FPS titles playing Quake. However, I do believe he is the hardest class to use. Sure, he has the overall best grenade launcher. The Shaft is fun at times. Nails are great under water. But if you're not using his rocket launcher on a regular basis, in most situations, you'll get your ass handed to you. He is a one-gun wonder, as a whole. The RL is not completely unavoidable, and getting hit by it is not the certain death situation that most make it out to be. I've plastered people with two or three Slipgate rockets, and they ended up killing me anyway (usually an Earth player or another Slipgater).

All of the other classes have weapons that can be used in any given situation. Even Doom, the king of midrange fighting, has a leg up on Slipgate -- Doom has a weapon that can be used in long-range, pinpoint situations; Slipgate has nothing.

Close up, every class owns Slipgate. Earth has gats, Doom has the chainsaw, plus it and Strogg have double-shotguns of death, and Arena has its own Shotgun, Lightning Gun, and the Gauntlet. What does Slipgate have? Super Nailgun? Shaft? By the time you switch to them -- which isn't exactly instant in a realistic online game -- you're either dead or would have been better off taking splash damage from your own weapon (and probably get killed two seconds later, anyway).

Why do people like the Doom class? Because, quite frankly, it's the easiest class to use. Yes, he dies more easily than the others but his weapons are either more certain to kill you at close range than most others (SSG) or have a(n insanely) high rate of fire that makes them hard to avoid (Chaingun, Plasma). He's also the fastest class in the game and it really shows. Play with Doom for a while, then switch to even Slipgate, and you'll feel as though you're running in knee-deep water.

I have no problem with anyone's class preferences in Generations. Everybody has different tastes and styles of play. But just because someone uses Slipgate, that doesn't mean they're compensating for a lack of ability. If that were true, I wouldn't be on the lower half of the scoreboard while using Slipgate.
« Last Edit: 2004-05-29, 00:27 by Makou » Logged

If you see a "Rona Altana" out there on the internet somewhere, that's probably me

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« Reply #73 on: 2004-05-29, 01:37 »

I agree with every point you made, except the hardest class to use effectively is probably Strogg. Slipgate - Wink
Thomas Mink

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Posts: 920


« Reply #74 on: 2004-05-29, 01:55 »

Yes... Strogg is the hardest to use properly.

As for Doom being the easiest class to play... you know, I can't agree here either. If it's so easy, why can't I even do mediocer with the class? I suck about as much ass with Doom as I do Strogg. Slipgate - Smile

As for Doom's rockets being faster... maybe, but I doubt it. I used to be able to, just about, keep up with the rockets while running forward and shooting at the same time. I attribute not being able to do that any more to the obvious Doom run-speed slowdown to make him more managable.

In any case... I've always been one, from the first time I played this mod, to believe that... Slipgate - Ownage ...and I always will. 'Doom is a better class for obvious reasons' he says... pfeh. Doom is just more nostalgic, more appealing to the inner 'old skool' child inside everyone that started out playing Doom as their first shooter... or maybe second... but Hell demons > Nazis.

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase

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Posts: 2358

« Reply #75 on: 2004-05-29, 01:59 »

Personally, I'm of the belief that a well-played Earther is the most dangerous class.

Earth can literally dish out more damage in a shorter period of time than anyone else. A good Earther will pick his targets to pick off the most dangerous opponents from a distance, and then finish off everyone else with the gats. And the mortar can get places other rocket launchers only dream about. Slipgate - Wink

But that was off topic. In regards to slippy vs doom, it'll be a close fight. Doom is more well-rounded, but a slipgater with a full backpack and halfway decent aim is a tough kill.
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #76 on: 2004-05-29, 03:29 »

As a final closing remark from me, and something to keep in mind later: Let's see who the finalists in our upcoming Generations QCon tourney are going to be, and what classes they will (exclusively) use. I'm betting my finest pair of socks on a full Slippyfest in the final matches :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #77 on: 2004-05-29, 03:30 »

That's what it ended up being last year tab Slipgate - Wink
Paco the Taco

Posts: 21

« Reply #78 on: 2004-05-29, 06:00 »

So, when is this BIG TIME match scheduled for? I can't wait.

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #79 on: 2004-05-29, 06:35 »

When class-based team restrictions are in an official release, which is .99e, so that we don't get either noobs or people who don't read console chat not joining the proper team.

Everyone knows I'm a Doomer.  I don't need to repeat anything there.  Everyone knows I kick ass WITH the Doomer, but I do play other classes and I go random at times as well.  Doom is just the most fun for me, and fits my playing style.  Get in fast, hit 'em hard, and get out.  As mecha is with Slipgate, so am I with Doom.  It's just a matter of preference.

However, though I'm a Doomer I'm also a designer, so my primary job is to make sure ALL the classes work right, from the Q2 Grunt's high-speed portable blender (chaingun) to the Slipgate "spam-in-the-can" grenade launcher.  The fact that people are now arguing "my class can beat up your class" as opposed to "Hey, [CLASS] sucks because of [INSERT REASON WHY IT DOESN'T WORK RIGHT]" tells me that as a design team we're doing our job right!  That is one of the best compliments you could give us I think, so keep up that chest-beating!  It's good for our morale.
  Slipgate - Smirk

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
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