Rabid Doomer
Team Member
Posts: 1011
Verra nice... VERRA nice.. However, does this mean you intend to do a full complement of powerups? Earth/Doom/Slipgate/Strogg ?
I only ask because if you're going to do it for one, it's the next logical step :x
« Last Edit: 2004-04-26, 17:07 by Angst »
"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"

Posts: 1110
I think we should contribute some concept art towards this goal, if it were a feasable one to reach before qcon2004 =]
Let's start up a new thread with some ideal concept art, eh? w00t!
« Last Edit: 2004-04-26, 17:44 by Tekhead »
Rabid Doomer
Team Member
Posts: 1011
I imagine it would be relatively straightforward, strogg with the wings, slipgate's got his runic/stone/artifact theme, doom's got the spheres..
Earth... Earth would require some concept work, yes..
"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Thomas Mink
Mayhap the Earth powerups could be like the treasure or something? Chalice, cross, crown... maybe even a spear.
Just an idea.
« Last Edit: 2004-04-26, 22:19 by ~SpAwN~ »
Mayhap the Earth powerups could be like the treasure or something? Chalice, cross... maybe even a spear.
Just an idea. I like this idea. The spear of destiny = invul!
Rabid Doomer
Team Member
Posts: 1011
if they've got color-coded effect shells on the items, I could deal with that
"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
I managed to whip up a few sketches for the classes. 
Swords, coins, cups and wands?
« Last Edit: 2004-04-26, 23:13 by shambler »
Pixel Procrastinator
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Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
To clarify:
Color coding
All classes will be restrained to the same color codes when it comes to the main series of powerups. The list is as follows:
Haste - yellow or orange Regeneration - red Invisibility - transparancy shader effect Flight - purple/fuchsia Quad - blue Invulnerability - red
Note that there are exceptions, due to originals existing. Any others should not easily sway from this pattern, to avoid confusion. Examples of exceptions: The Doom invisibility and invulnerability, Slipgate's ring of shadows.
The Quad
Although mentioned above, the quad is not eligible for replacement. The reason for this is twofold. First and foremost, the originals for both Quake and Quake II are copyrighted, and we cannot create replica's without endangering the mod. Getting foxed is not an option, so I'm strongly opposed to risking things this way. Secondly, the Generations quad is representative of our mod. It is an overal nod to the combination of different worlds and can be seen as a symbol for the unison they form. It also looks damn cool.
General guidelines
Not to discourage any existing discussion, there are several things that we have to aim for. Generations is an extensive mod, and it features a great amount of items and several powerups. Most of the items thus far have been converted rather succesfully, and we have had no complaints about confusion as to what an item does. Although I don't fear running into problems when it comes to the powerups, I still say their purpose has to be clear upon sight. The color coding does the bigger part of the job, but the design or symbolism of the item itself should fit too. For example, using a four leaf clover for Earths invisibility could be somehow defended, but it would never be clear from the start.
Also, themes are important. If Earth is to get, say, the Spear of Destiny, as the invulnerability item, the other powerups should fit this theme beyond reasonable doubt. Mixing World-War II, Cybertech and Fantasy should be done somewhat sparingly. Note that the topic of this part denotes this as guidelines, so if some idea is particularly nifty, but is the odd one out, that shouldn't always be a problem.
Lastly, although not set in stone, the powerups for Doom and Strogg are pretty much decided upon. Quake III's symbolism in powerups does not go in against Strogg's, so most of the shapes are left intact, but reshaped to fit Stroggs winged powerup design, as can be seen in the 99e thread. For Doom, obviously all powerups shall be orbs, and - though again, nothing is rigidly decided upon - the contents of the orbs will be evillish and dark.
Edit: In other words: It's Earth that needs attention here :]
« Last Edit: 2004-04-27, 08:17 by Tabun »
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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Rabid Doomer
Team Member
Posts: 1011
The Quad
Although mentioned above, the quad is not eligible for replacement. The reason for this is twofold. First and foremost, the originals for both Quake and Quake II are copyrighted, and we cannot create replica's without endangering the mod. Getting foxed is not an option, so I'm strongly opposed to risking things this way. Secondly, the Generations quad is representative of our mod. It is an overal nod to the combination of different worlds and can be seen as a symbol for the unison they form. It also looks damn cool. ahh, *edits* Spear - Invuln Chalice - Regen Cross - Flight Crown - Invis Shroud - Haste All of course with the requisite color-coded shader shells. As for Doom: Regen - Revamped megasphere? Invuln - Doom's mean greenie Invis - Doom's eyeball thinger? Flight - wind-effect sphere with an animated bird floating in the middle? Haste - "jittering" blurry face, distinct eyes, motion-lines?
« Last Edit: 2004-04-26, 23:53 by Angst »
"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"

Posts: 1110
Honestly to me, the treasure powerups for Earth do not sound like bad ideas, not by far.
Does Strogg have a special Flight powerup in Q2? I don't recall... if not, a stroggish Jetpack will suit him just fine imo (not like the one on an Icarus though - something a bit more suttle)
Doom's Flight could be like a chaotic Cacodemon / Pain Elemental sphere. Doom's Regen "" fast-shifting red line sphere (attached pic) Doom's Haste "" noise-filtered sphere (internal pic? I don't know)
More brainstorming later...
I actually like the idea of keeping the quad universal a lot. Besides the obvious practical reasons, I think it adds unity to the game, and I think it's appropriate given that there was no Quad in Doom or Wolfenstein, so I think it's better that the Quad not try to blend in with the other powerups like it's normal earth or doom equipment.
Anyway, I think you guys have come up with good ideas for the Doom powerups. The sphere motif makes things flexible, you could even just stick the regular Q3 icons in spheres and use that if you wanted to. I really like the idea of using a Cacodemon trapped in a sphere for the flight powerup. You could do something different for haste, like put a tornado in it or something.
The tricky thing about the Doom powerups is for the original ones, the color code is all mixed up. First off, the soul sphere is really the megahealth of Doom, so I'm not sure what to do with the megasphere. I guess you could make it the regeneration, but also the color is close to yellow, so if you have a yellow sphere for haste, they could get mixed up. Then, the invisibility is red which could be confused with regen, and the invulnability green instead of red (alteast you can't mix it up with regen). I think to keep true to the original items, the color code would have to be completely adandoned for Doom powerups. I guess you could still use purple for flight, but that's about it.
One last note about the Doom spheres- for the ones with faces, I don't think you have to render them entirely in full 3D, I think it's cooler and spookier if they're always looking at you, so just doing the front side would be fine.
I don't know about the earth powerups. I think it would be hard to color code the treasure items without making it look goofy, like having a neon red spear. I don't have any ideas though. I'm guessing probably something more like the strogg powerups would work well.
« Last Edit: 2004-04-27, 06:31 by Gnam »
Hey Tekhead were you thinking something like this?
That one's cool but how about a lost soul in there, shouldn't fill the entire orb IMO...

Posts: 1110
Gnam: Yes! I was thinking of something just like that  Genialus: The Lost Soul is already in use in Gen 
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294
You know Both the Q1 symbol and the Q2 symbol is already IN quake3. since they are there whould we violate copyrights? (there are some textures that use the "Q" and there's even a "Q" under rangers foot.)
Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
For earth, at least partially recreating the valuables has my preference. It has lots of nostalgia value. Ofcourse, since a 'cross' and a 'treasure chest' are hardly logically linkable to their effects (the chalice for example, is more easily understood, but far fetched, nonetheless) Note too, that flight is just about the least important powerup known to gladiatorkind. It appears in 1 (ONE) official Quake III DM map, and in none of the regular Generations maps ( barring maybe one or two that I was bound to miss thank you Tekhead but the point remains valid!  ). It it also kind of senseless in play, although you don't hear me saying it's not fun ;] The point is: I'm not going to spend an awful lot of time developing it. Complexely animated models are not an option, as far as I'm concerned.
« Last Edit: 2004-04-27, 13:32 by Tabun »
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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Posts: 1110
I think that the Gen-Quad that is in place right now is the key symbolic icon of the whole mod. Replacing it would do gen no good, as it'd break down part of the greatness which this mod has already acheived. Tabun: Flight appears in Q-Fraggel 
Thomas Mink
Perhaps giving the Earth powerups some kind of slight glow effect to resemble what they are. Chalice with a red glow to resemble regeneration... Cross with a white glow to resemble invisibility... I dunno.
Might run in to some problems with the glow idea for the two 'reds' (regen/invuln)... but I think seeing a Spear of Destiny would kinda seem like it's more powerful than seeing a chalice or something.
As for the treasure chest... yea, that's why I left it out. I was going to leave out the crown as well, but I tossed it in there anyway. I do like Angst's idea for a shroud though.
I am a little confused about the earth soldier. I thought it was wolfenstine, based on wolfenstian 3D. So it should be WW2 type stuff. Seems to be now a general earth soldier, which is fine by me, but is not really a generation anymore. I don't really care, as I'll play this game whatever, and am not complaining as I can't mesh etc myself, but is is WW2 or just an earthman who uses old weapons? 