Right i've been playing your map abit and i found some issues, tho at the momment i can't upload those screenshots anyware..i'll see if there is a way for me to get em to you.
first impressions: Layout is good maybe it is a bit flat but that what a wolf map should be! it do have a somewhat lack of details the textures repeat quite often but once again to make a classic wolf map they just.. "feel" right! some areas in this map i just love
especially the hitler quad..hehe
anyways you know the "swatsika" (damn i can't spell it right) ceiling you have used a curve and next to the curve brush i noticed you used standard brushes some of these are clipped wrong i can see an edge on four of these. i recommend instead of clipping brushes skew them! use the brush editing tool (E key)
and since we are in that room i also sometimes get sparklies on those pillars (green/blue texture) have you run the brush clean up tool? i suggest you just remake those pillars since it's quite easy.
Your r_speeds are quite ok and im gonna go in on something that in this case aint important at all but could be nice to know eh?
Your doors doesnt block visibility at all, yes a normal door doesnt do this but there is this nifty little thing called Area portal! you'll find it under the common textures if you place a small brush painted with this texture in a correct way the door should now block vis once it's closed..
However to get this to work right aint that easy as it sounds some serious reading in the radiant manual is required and a bit of luck
Now you don't have to bother about this since your r_speeds are low! but just a thought since you do have many doors on this map
Next thing: may i ask how you make your end caps?
For me it looks like you are using two square cylinder brushes to create one arch way? There is a good thing about square cylinders and that is that they never "crack" but getting those textures lined up in a proper way is usually a pain and i've noticed several places where your textures are mis aligned.
Maybe you should try to create either: two bevel brushes and using a simple patch mesh as an "cap" or use one end cap curve brush + simple patch mesh?
if you get cracks with those you could, instead of using two square (if you are doing that) cylinders just use one.
Also before you realease this map i suggest you should try to play it online with some ppls! that's the best way to find out if the item placment is good enough!
I also whould like to know which options you use with q3map2
Now i think i've talked here enough hehe so keep up the good work man!!! your insane mapping speed is incredible! you impress me!