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Author Topic: The Last Debate (Split from Topless Thread)  (Read 17690 times)
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« on: 2005-02-04, 01:19 »

Quote from: Draco
in Genesis when Adam and Eve eat the fruit and are knowledgeable of being naked they immeditately try to dress with something. Even if you're not religious isn't that message good enough to show some meaning as to how we should act?
Yeah, that does tell me something? It tells me that The Judeo-Christian ?God? does not like knowledge. His subjects were immediately punished for achieving knowledge, by being ejected from Paradise. Generations later, when God sent his son Jesus down to earth, he was sacrificed in an attempt to redeem humanity from its sins, including our original sin, enlightenment. This is why most Christians are completely ignorant and blinded by their superstitions (points no fingers). They?re all sheep and the Lord is their shepherd. Besides, nudity is nothing to be ashamed of? Of course, with the religious bias that everyone on this message board shows, I?m sure that the ?Christian Mentality? runs deep. Genocidal rampages are a-okay in God?s view, but once someone disrobes or has sex then they?re going straight to Hell!

Being naked is a personal choice that harms absolutely no one. And in that sense, anyone should have the right to do it. Stop pushing your backwards Christian morality on the country and let so-called consensual crimes be left up to the participants. Freedom was what this country was originally founded on, after all.
Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« Reply #1 on: 2005-02-04, 01:45 »

Is it just me, or do you have to rant on christianity every possible chance?

There are VERY few biblical references in this thread, and I think I'd like to keep it that way.

Being naked is a personal choice, but that doesn't mean I want to see someone's pimply ass.

Keeping your clothes on is much the same as keeping the volume on my stereo down.
The neighbors don't want to hear it, and I don't want to see them naked.

Now there's a couple ladies down the street I wouldn't mind seeing, but I rather prefer enjoying nudity in private.

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
« Reply #2 on: 2005-02-04, 02:15 »

Quote from: Angst
Is it just me, or do you have to rant on christianity every possible chance?
Is it just me, or do others have to attempt to use outdated scripture to prove invalid points every possible chance they get? Chosen morality has nothing to do with what is or isn't publicly acceptable.
« Last Edit: 2005-02-04, 02:17 by lord_malchia » Logged

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #3 on: 2005-02-04, 03:41 »

Quote from: Angst
Is it just me, or do you have to rant on christianity every possible chance?

There are VERY few biblical references in this thread, and I think I'd like to keep it that way.

Being naked is a personal choice, but that doesn't mean I want to see someone's pimply ass.

Keeping your clothes on is much the same as keeping the volume on my stereo down.
The neighbors don't want to hear it, and I don't want to see them naked.

Now there's a couple ladies down the street I wouldn't mind seeing, but I rather prefer enjoying nudity in private.
Then, if you can persuade Draco and Phoenix to not bring it up, I'm sure Malchia won't either. Until then, do what Jesus did and turn the other cheek.

Beer? I'm down.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #4 on: 2005-02-04, 07:52 »

I just find it very interesting that Lord Malchia hates a God that he doesn't even believe exists, and uses every opportunity he gets to flame Christianity.  Also, by the comments he's posted, I'm quite convinced that he's ignorant as to what Christians actually believe, as opposed to what he thinks we believe.  Then again, he's expressed no interest in genuine understanding and acceptence; his only desire is that we convert to his system of beliefs and abandon ours since we're obviously so backwards and behind the times in his mind.  We're wrong, and he's right because "he says so", and he can bring up a whole host of justifications to support his rationale, the same way as we can quote bible verses to support ours.  Funny how that door swings both ways, no?

McDeth:  That's a very obvious attempt at a "STFU", and I won't stand for it.   See, we Christians are always accused of wanting to stamp out everyone's freedoms, when those who dislike our religion and accuse us of this turn around and do the same to us at every turn.  They don't want to deal with us, they want us to disappear and go away.  Sorry, it's not going to happen, unless of course God were to snatch every believer off the face of the planet at once, then you won't have to worry about our exercising of our freedom of religion ever inconveniencing you ever again.  Until that sort of thing comes to pass, we will NOT relinquish our rights to believe what we choose AND discuss it freely.  Any attempt to silence us will result in the same kind of backlash you've witnessed recently in the polls.

Like us or not, we're not going to back down any longer.  We have fought and died for the right to follow our beliefs in the past.  We STILL die for them around the world every day, and if that's what is required for us to have our freedom to worship our God - to be imprisoned, to be persecuted, tortured and killed, that is, to suffer the same sort of fate as our Lord then it is an HONOR to do so.  Perhaps you're not capable of grasping this sort of passion because you don't love anything so much in your life?  Who can say.  All we want is to not have secularism rammed down our throats in the same way you don't want our religion rammed down yours.  Sure we want to bring people to know God as we know Him, but if you choose not to that is your choice.  Stop trying to take away ours, and our right to express our beliefs.  You want tolerence?  Practice what you preach before demanding it of others.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #5 on: 2005-02-04, 09:17 »

Quote from: shambler
Skin cancer here we go..........
You really run the risk of skin cancer any time you're out in the sun for a prolonged period of time.  To be honest, with the work that my father does (irrigation,) I'm really surprised he hasn't contracted skin cancer.  He's out in the sun nearly every day for 8 - 10 hours at a time.

That said, drink you water people!  And be sure to wear sunblock with at least an SPF level of 45.  Wearing sun-glasses with UV protective lenses and a nice, shady hat are good as well  Slipgate - Grin


Hell Knight
Posts: 88

« Reply #6 on: 2005-02-04, 09:47 »

Quote from: lord_malchia
Yeah, that does tell me something? It tells me that The Judeo-Christian ?God? does not like knowledge. His subjects were immediately punished for achieving knowledge, by being ejected from Paradise. Generations later, when God sent his son Jesus down to earth, he was sacrificed in an attempt to redeem humanity from its sins, including our original sin, enlightenment. This is why most Christians are completely ignorant and blinded by their superstitions (points no fingers). They?re all sheep and the Lord is their shepherd. Besides, nudity is nothing to be ashamed of? Of course, with the religious bias that everyone on this message board shows, I?m sure that the ?Christian Mentality? runs deep. Genocidal rampages are a-okay in God?s view, but once someone disrobes or has sex then they?re going straight to Hell!

Being naked is a personal choice that harms absolutely no one. And in that sense, anyone should have the right to do it. Stop pushing your backwards Christian morality on the country and let so-called consensual crimes be left up to the participants. Freedom was what this country was originally founded on, after all.
Obviously you are frustrated with Christianity and I honeslty understand that cuz like I was disgussing with some people in #wirehead there are so many different christian beliefs out there that are in my opinion completely full of bull or exagerates the original point to something that makes it false. Such asyou mentioned in one of your reponses how some think having sex will send you to hell. WRONGO! God CREATED sex. Also if you sin you dont go to hell because man is naturally sinful.  And I could go on and on with a huge list of false interpretations or false teachings, but seeing how you hate religion in general.......christianity......whatever......I doubt you want to read all the examples.
But dude sheesh being christian doesnt make you arrogant. And not everything in the bible is how i determine my thinking in actions. Look at it more of a guideline to my beliefs. I decide what I agree with or not. I was just merely giving an example from the bible relating to nudity. Doesn't mean what the bible said made my decision for me. I just don't think nude beaches are a good idea in the first place.

Rev 9:6 "And in those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, and death flees from them."

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #7 on: 2005-02-04, 11:34 »

Quote from: Phoenix
I just find it very interesting that Lord Malchia hates a God that he doesn't even believe exists, and uses every opportunity he gets to flame Christianity.  Also, by the comments he's posted, I'm quite convinced that he's ignorant as to what Christians actually believe, as opposed to what he thinks we believe.  Then again, he's expressed no interest in genuine understanding and acceptence; his only desire is that we convert to his system of beliefs and abandon ours since we're obviously so backwards and behind the times in his mind.  We're wrong, and he's right because "he says so", and he can bring up a whole host of justifications to support his rationale, the same way as we can quote bible verses to support ours.  Funny how that door swings both ways, no?

McDeth:  That's a very obvious attempt at a "STFU", and I won't stand for it.   See, we Christians are always accused of wanting to stamp out everyone's freedoms, when those who dislike our religion and accuse us of this turn around and do the same to us at every turn.  They don't want to deal with us, they want us to disappear and go away.  Sorry, it's not going to happen, unless of course God were to snatch every believer off the face of the planet at once, then you won't have to worry about our exercising of our freedom of religion ever inconveniencing you ever again.  Until that sort of thing comes to pass, we will NOT relinquish our rights to believe what we choose AND discuss it freely.  Any attempt to silence us will result in the same kind of backlash you've witnessed recently in the polls.

Like us or not, we're not going to back down any longer.  We have fought and died for the right to follow our beliefs in the past.  We STILL die for them around the world every day, and if that's what is required for us to have our freedom to worship our God - to be imprisoned, to be persecuted, tortured and killed, that is, to suffer the same sort of fate as our Lord then it is an HONOR to do so.  Perhaps you're not capable of grasping this sort of passion because you don't love anything so much in your life?  Who can say.  All we want is to not have secularism rammed down our throats in the same way you don't want our religion rammed down yours.  Sure we want to bring people to know God as we know Him, but if you choose not to that is your choice.  Stop trying to take away ours, and our right to express our beliefs.  You want tolerence?  Practice what you preach before demanding it of others.
Um...if you bring up your beliefs, then the opposing side has the right to bring up theirs, yes? Draco brought up a Christian arguement because she is christian. I respect that arguement. Malchia brought up an anti-christian arguement. His is respected as well. So in all honesty, it wasn't a "STFU". Rather a, "if you can convince just one side to stop preaching, the other will lose interest and stop preaching also" kind of thing.

I never learn more than from a debate, so please, by all means, don't "STFU". Slipgate - Smile

The point I'm getting at is that I didn't see a single female topless or naked while I was there, so I honestly don't think the bill would sway many women to go prancing about topless if it did pass.

And to get back on topic, I think Kain has made the most rationally acceptable arguement here. He is absolutely correct. This bill does not force people to go topless. It just says they can if they wish. GG Kain. Slipgate - Wink
« Last Edit: 2005-02-04, 11:38 by McDeth » Logged

Beer? I'm down.
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #8 on: 2005-02-04, 15:25 »

Quote from: Kain-Xavier
You really run the risk of skin cancer any time you're out in the sun for a prolonged period of time.
True, but there are certain bits of us that are paler than other bits!

I don't want those bits to get red raw, let along peeling etc.

Lighten up everybody. maybe we should all deathmatch in the raw, to see if we play better or not.

 Sipgate - Evil
« Last Edit: 2005-02-04, 15:26 by shambler » Logged
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8808

« Reply #9 on: 2005-02-04, 17:12 »

Quote from: McDeth
So in all honesty, it wasn't a "STFU". Rather a, "if you can convince just one side to stop preaching, the other will lose interest and stop preaching also" kind of thing.

I never learn more than from a debate, so please, by all means, don't "STFU". Slipgate - Smile
The "turn the other cheek" comment made it sound like it was.  My apoligies.  Slipgate - Smile

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1095

Yup, that's me

« Reply #10 on: 2005-02-04, 17:44 »

RELIGION IS IRRELEVANT! This is purely a nipple issue. Men can show theirs in public, women can't. I doubt that men in California are really thinking, "Oh that female has nice, firm mammaries. She should be capable of produncing strong, healthy offsping".They're more than likely thinking "mmmmmmmmmmmm..."

Sham: I've done that. Still got my ass kicked and it hurt a lot more. Don't recommend it. Slipgate - Laugh

PSN ID: scalliano

The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #11 on: 2005-02-04, 19:39 »

Quote from: shambler
Lighten up everybody. maybe we should all deathmatch in the raw, to see if we play better or not.
 Slipgate - Off Topic  but...

I thought everybody did that... Slipgate - Shifty

Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #12 on: 2005-02-04, 19:40 »

Quote from: Kain-Xavier
Slipgate - Off Topic  but...

I thought everybody did that... Slipgate - Shifty
No, thats just the slippy RL Slipgate - Ownage
Dr. Jones

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Tank Commander
Posts: 167

« Reply #13 on: 2005-02-04, 21:19 »

True, but there are certain bits of us that are paler than other bits!

I don't want those bits to get red raw, let along peeling etc.

Perhaps the reason those "bits" are paler, is because they are covered nearly 24/7?  Personally I don't see any reason to oppose the bill.  If it were saying people could run around stark naked, yes I'd have a problem with it.  The bible may have said that Adam and Eve covered themselves, but it never specified explicitly that Eve covered her breasts.

Quote from: Draco
Reading you guy's responses you neglect to mention the fact of the actions of this bill on how it effects the kids of this generation. I mean little kids seeing topless/naked adults on the beaches? Leave that for porn shops so only ADULTS can see the content. I wouldn't want my kids girl or boy to see topless/naked people on a beach. I mean what does that teach them? It teaches them its okay to do shit like that. I mean why bother being naked/topless in the first place?

Draco, do you realize that the "effect on kids of this generation" is entirely cultural?  The only reason it isn't "okay to do shit like that" is because society has decreed it so.  If everyone went around topless, eventually no one would have a problem with it, and since it would be an everyday occurrence, men *would* eventually become inured to it and wouldn't go ga-ga every time a woman walked by with no shirt on.  Look at Africa (yes this point was brought up before, but I didn't see anyone countering it), do you see all the men getting hard-ons when a woman walks by with no top on?  no, they care about as much as they do when another guy walks by with no top on.

You don't have a problem with men walking around topless... why?  because society says that's okay.  You do have a problem with women walking around topless... why?  because society says it's not.  I also find it amusing how you associate being topless with being naked.  Funny, I walk around in my swim trunks and don't feel terribly naked.

"Why bother in the first place"?  When you are born, are you born wearing clothes?  You imply it's a "bother" to wear less clothing.  I find this humorous.  Men currently go around topless because it's more comfortable on a warm day, or they're working hard (or working out) and want to let their sweat cool them naturally like it was intended to do, instead of being hot AND wearing a sweat-drenched shirt.
« Last Edit: 2005-02-04, 21:28 by Dr. Jones » Logged
« Reply #14 on: 2005-02-05, 00:11 »

Quote from: Phoenix
I just find it very interesting that Lord Malchia hates a God that he doesn't even believe exists, and uses every opportunity he gets to flame Christianity.  Also, by the comments he's posted, I'm quite convinced that he's ignorant as to what Christians actually believe, as opposed to what he thinks we believe.  Then again, he's expressed no interest in genuine understanding and acceptence; his only desire is that we convert to his system of beliefs and abandon ours since we're obviously so backwards and behind the times in his mind.  We're wrong, and he's right because "he says so", and he can bring up a whole host of justifications to support his rationale, the same way as we can quote bible verses to support ours.  Funny how that door swings both ways, no?
It's not your god that I hate... How can I hate something that doesn't exist? It?s the corrupting people that claim to follow your god that I dislike. You?re right about one thing at least, your kind is backwards and behind the times. You?re following an ancient scripture that barely worked in its own time. On top of that, you don?t see it as just a set of moral codes and philosophy to follow; you take everything it says very literally. Your mind set is shroud in superstition and you don?t dare get out of line with it, because somewhere sitting up in the sky is an omnipotent old man just waiting to condemn you to eternal suffering. Our civilization obviously cannot make any progress with that kind of thinking. You forget, I?ve been around for a few thousand years, so I know what your religion is about, far more so than most that actually practice it do. At least I?m not constantly interpreting Bible verses, trying to pass myself off as some Christ figure with a running theme of resurrection present in my online persona.

Draco, I realize your point. What Christianity truly is and what it is today are very different things. Through human manipulation, hierarchies have sprung up and with them have come bogus interpretations. That?s why the convenient Christians of today absolutely despise homosexuals, for instance. These are the kinds of troubles that occur when following something that you will never know the full truth about though. Everything looses meaning in translation, not to mention the controversial parts that have been edited or completely removed to keep the flock from being stained.
Dr. Jones

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Tank Commander
Posts: 167

« Reply #15 on: 2005-02-05, 01:14 »

Quote from: lord_malchia
It?s the corrupting people that claim to follow your god that I dislike. You?re right about one thing at least, your kind is backwards and behind the times. You?re following an ancient scripture that barely worked in its own time. On top of that, you don?t see it as just a set of moral codes and philosophy to follow; you take everything it says very literally. Your mind set is shroud in superstition and you don?t dare get out of line with it, because somewhere sitting up in the sky is an omnipotent old man just waiting to condemn you to eternal suffering. Our civilization obviously cannot make any progress with that kind of thinking. You forget, I?ve been around for a few thousand years, so I know what your religion is about, far more so than most that actually practice it do. At least I?m not constantly interpreting Bible verses, trying to pass myself off as some Christ figure with a running theme of resurrection present in my online persona.
DAMN, there's so many holes in that statement...

First of all, you immediately dismiss every Christian as the right-wing nut job Christians that most other Christians hate.  Almost every Christian I know does not take the scripture literally, but instead does simply use it as a set of moral and philosophical guidelines.

Secondly, very few Christians believe that God is simply some old man up in the sky.  It's a dated, clich?d reference.

Third, you yourself claim to have been around for a few thousand years, yet immediately dismiss the possibility that Phoenix could possibly be anywhere near what he says he is - in fact, to me it sounds like you're inferring that he's some delusional 14 year old sitting at a keyboard.  Hypocrisy at it's best!

Fourth, for being someone who's been around for a few thousand years, you've developed a hyper-critical, inflammatory, elitist attitude.  Someone who has been around that long would have matured beyond that point, and understood that this sort of "discussion" (and I use the term loosely) is pointless.

Fifth, although I initially dismissed Woodsman's claims about you being dev/null, I did some research, and you walk like the afore-referenced duck, and quack like the afore-mentioned duck.  I smell duck.  IP addresses only lie when they don't match.  Matching IPs very seldom lie.

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #16 on: 2005-02-05, 01:39 »

That?s why the convenient Christians of today absolutely despise homosexuals, for instance.

First of all, you immediately dismiss every Christian as the right-wing nut job Christians that most other Christians hate. Almost every Christian I know does not take the scripture literally, but instead does simply use it as a set of moral and philosophical guidelines.

I don't think he did. Notice how he said "convenient Christians" instead of "all christians". As trigger happy as Malchia is on shooting all you guys down, I think you guys are also ready to shoot him down.  

Malchia has a point though, the law of the land is very similar to that of the Christian bible. Perhaps that might be a bit oppressive to those of us who aren't Christian.

And Jones, you also bring a good point to the debate. One cannot be critical of an entire group just because of the downfall of a select few. Christian principles, and I am sure Malchia can agree with this, are more or less healthy to live by. However, they do not work for everyone and that must be respected.
« Last Edit: 2005-02-05, 01:40 by McDeth » Logged

Beer? I'm down.
« Reply #17 on: 2005-02-05, 03:06 »

Geeze, someone's dense. I'll give you the pleasure of picking apart your post statement by statement.

First of all, you immediately dismiss every Christian as the right-wing nut job Christians that most other Christians hate. Almost every Christian I know does not take the scripture literally, but instead does simply use it as a set of moral and philosophical guidelines.

I don't know anyone who is truly Christian, so I couldn't say. That certainly isn't the case here. Besides, I did not, and usually don't group all Christians together. As McDeth pointed out, exceptions are present in everything.

Secondly, very few Christians believe that God is simply some old man up in the sky. It's a dated, clich?d reference.

Um... Sarcasm, dude. There's that density showing again.

Third, you yourself claim to have been around for a few thousand years...

Sarcasm again... You might want to get a dictionary and look into the meaning of that word; SAR-CA-SIM

yet immediately dismiss the possibility that Phoenix could possibly be anywhere near what he says he is - in fact, to me it sounds like you're inferring that he's some delusional 14 year old sitting at a keyboard.

That's precisely what I'm implying... Thanks for finally realizing some of the subtle nuances in my statement. I guess it wasn't sarcasm though, so it wasn't a problem area of yours.

Fourth, for being someone who's been around for a few thousand years, you've developed a hyper-critical, inflammatory, elitist attitude. Someone who has been around that long would have matured beyond that point, and understood that this sort of "discussion" (and I use the term loosely) is pointless.

You are correct here. A debate such as this is pretty pointless from both sides. It's amusing though.

Fifth, although I initially dismissed Woodsman's claims about you being dev/null, I did some research, and you walk like the afore-referenced duck, and quack like the afore-mentioned duck. I smell duck. IP addresses only lie when they don't match. Matching IPs very seldom lie.

Wow, I bet you guys feel real special for figuring this out too, huh? If I was really in this to deceive anyone, I wouldn't have chosen a name tied to an already established character of mine. I would have gone with something more along the lines of Bald&Sexy of DaWoman McLife 333, for example.
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #18 on: 2005-02-05, 07:28 »

News flash Lord/null we dont know the names of any of your dumb ass characters  so thats kind of a moot point.

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #19 on: 2005-02-05, 07:34 »

Quote from: Draco
Reading you guy's responses you neglect to mention the fact of the actions of this bill on how it effects the kids of this generation. I mean little kids seeing topless/naked adults on the beaches?
Breasts are natural.

I'd much rather my son see breasts than someone's head ripped off in all its gory detail on broadcast TV.

Hell, I'd rather him see hardcore porn than that. I hate how our society's values are so skewed that sex has become an evil act, but violence is A-OK!

Edit: wow, I just read this thread all the way for the first time. Why the hell didn't someone report this? Slipgate - Wink

Dev/null, didn't you learn your lesson the first time? We unbanned you after awhile because we thought you'd learn. It looks like you didn't. You speak of others being dense, and not understanding anything. Look at yourself. You're nothing but a troll.
« Last Edit: 2005-02-05, 07:37 by ConfusedUs » Logged
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