Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
Well, the model isn't perfect, but it's good enough for me. This time, there are no quirks with the pk3, so you'll be able to select the model through the menu. Hurrah! I had first intended to make a few more skins for it, while I was at it, but those will not be part of the model release package (I don't have time to make them, and the release has been delayed too long already). The same goes for Angst, if he is still working on his skin, additions will have to be released separately. The package features three colour skins, three character skins and three bots for your SP enjoyment. So, without further ado, here is the official Q2 Guard for Q3A and Generations Arena. Q2 Guard Model for Q3AEnjoy.
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?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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I did and kicked their asses...
Posts: 1095
Yup, that's me
Me too.
PSN ID: scalliano
The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
Thomas Mink
Depending on the map, I was able to.. some maps just royally suck tho (bias). Then Kingu joined and added to the fun.
Aw, you guys are never around when I am
hey guys what's the line to stick them on
you know it's normally /addbot (then the bots name) (then the skill level)
as i have tried
q2 guard, light guard, shotgun guard, machinegun guard
and can't seem to get them to appear
any idea what i'm missing?
I think it is mgguard, sgguard, lightguard. And if it's not working you can check what it's writen in bot files.
« Last Edit: 2006-10-04, 23:18 by Kingu »
Thomas Mink
After watching some TV for the first time in quite a while, I saw a commercial about some GI Joe movie... that's when it hit me. The guard would probably make for a decent Cobra Commander, save for his backpack anyway.
Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
I would put that differently: "The guard's head would probably make for a decent Cobra Commander head." With which I agree. The rest of the body? Nope.
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?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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BUG REPORT FOR THE BOT FILE you may have notice this or not but having given the bots preffered weapons if the said weapons run out of ammo and it's clear there carrying other weaponary they won't use it they just run around aimlessly escepecially the SG Guard whn he runs out of shells he just stands there and does nothing what's particuarly funny though is if there is no hyper blaster on a level for the light guard, then he trys to kill everything with just his blaster overall though the i'm most impressed with the skills of the MG Guard on nightmare level it was very close but all in all against the others any chance in fixing the botfiles so even if there prefferred weapon isn't available, they'll use something else cause standing targets are too easy to kill with just the blaster (HEH HEH)
Mayby not a Guard thing, but: What about Doom class bots sawing air with chainsaw insted of using pistol every once in a while
« Last Edit: 2006-10-26, 09:46 by Kingu »
Rabid Doomer
Team Member
Posts: 1011
Like Leatherface of cinema fame, the doom bots will occasionally saw madly at emtpy air.
This serves no purpose beyond letting you know there's a madman with a chainsaw-turned-quisinart after you.
"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Cool model! <3 I've missed quite a bit in the past couple of months.