I've been playing the Quake remaster, and I'm feeling particularly inspired. Where does Ranger buy all of his electronics from? The Dimension of the Machine. What do you call a Quake minion that won't shut up? What kind of porn do Ogres like? Why is DOOM eternal? Why can't DOOM guy take a nap?
Oh hell, you went there.  Thy Flesh Consumed. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Where do ogres go to get clothes that fit?The Shopping Maul. (points if anyone remembers where this is from) Is it from this, https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/70862-x-mas-nightmare-versions/ ? What game do they play in the Dimension of the Doomed? You beautiful bird-breasted bastard, now I want to play this! Here's what I'm thinking: The Scrag would spawn in the middle of the map. Players would have to kill / knock out the Scrag. Once knocked out, the person that grabs the Scrag would have to take it back to their base. Once the Scrag has been captured, it'll revive and defend that base. The opposing team would then have to knock it out again to steal it.
Nope! Good guess though.  You beautiful bird-breasted bastard, now I want to play this!  Here's what I'm thinking: The Scrag would spawn in the middle of the map. Players would have to kill / knock out the Scrag. Once knocked out, the person that grabs the Scrag would have to take it back to their base. Once the Scrag has been captured, it'll revive and defend that base. The opposing team would then have to knock it out again to steal it.
Why, thank you. 
That does sound kind of fun. Also...
Since the Scrag stays in your base once captured, I would think points would need to be scored by possession time - whichever team has the Scrag for X amount of minutes wins a round, with Y number of rounds needed to win the match. Once a round is won, the Scrag respawns randomly on the map again. If the Scrag is dropped, after 30 seconds it respawns back at whichever base had it, still aligned with whichever team held it last. If it hasn't been captured yet, then the Scrag respawns in place hostile to everyone. If a player dies in a hazard with the Scrag, same thing.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
To stay vaguely on-topic: What happened to Wrack? And now for the stuff I actually want to talk about. :p Where do ogres go to get clothes that fit?The Shopping Maul. (points if anyone remembers where this is from) Are you referencing this? I stumbled across id Software's GitHub and their WinQuake repository contains a text file which mentions it. Since the Scrag stays in your base once captured, I would think points would need to be scored by possession time - whichever team has the Scrag for X amount of minutes wins a round, with Y number of rounds needed to win the match. Once a round is won, the Scrag respawns randomly on the map again. If the Scrag is dropped, after 30 seconds it respawns back at whichever base had it, still aligned with whichever team held it last. If it hasn't been captured yet, then the Scrag respawns in place hostile to everyone. If a player dies in a hazard with the Scrag, same thing. I completely agree with you about resetting the Scrag's position if no one picks it up. I also think having multiple rounds is a good solution to a problem I didn't foresee.
In CTF, it's easier to capture the flag from the enemy base because their attention is divided. With the current design of Capture the Scrag, the entire enemy team would be defending, and they'd have an extra teammate in the form of the Scrag. The offensive team would be able to attack with their full force, but then they'd still have to traverse the entire map to capture the stolen Scrag.
One possible solution to this would be to have multiple Scrags. A new Scrag could spawn in the middle of the map once the existing ones have been captured. I feel like this would keep things interesting because each team would have their attention divided three ways. Should we defend our base, go after the newly spawned Scrag, or try to steal one of the enemy's?
Another solution would be to drop the bases altogether and focus strictly on possession. Teams or individual players will earn points while they "hold" the Scrag. The Scrag could also come back to life and assist its captor to mix things up.
YES! You win the points! Though... there' not worth anything, but that's correct. 
I had thought about the issue of the Scrag possession. If you ditch the bases it basically becomes Qball (Q1) or Catch the Chicken (from Q2). Not sure what good the Scrag would be in that case. On normal CTF the flag auto-returns to base once captured, and for 1-flag you take it into the other team's base.
The multiple-Scrag idea sounds kind of interesting. I would envision it as such, and correct me if I'm reading you wrong: Have a Scrag roaming randomly that you can capture, and once captured a new Scrag spawns randomly on the map, while the captured one patrols around your capture point and spits at any enemies. If you kill the patrolling scrag and pick it up you can take it back to your base, or you can go after the roaming Scrag. That forces the teams to decide on attacking, defending, or searching. Set a max Scrag limit and once one team captures X number of scrags they win. With a capture limit of 5, you could have up to 4 scrags at each base. A player could carry only one Scrag at a time, and Scrags cannot be dropped once picked up.
Here's how this could get spicy. So let's say the score is 3 Blue to 2 Red. Blue picks up the roaming Scrag, but two of Red's attackers manage to steal two of Blue's Scrags. Blue captures the roaming Scrag and ends up with 2 points (Started with 3, add +1 from Roaming Scrag but -2 from Red's steal, netting 2), Red captures the two that were stolen from blue and brings their points to 4. That makes it 4 Red to 2 Blue. Since the scoring is dynamic it would make for some intense tug-of-war. I kind of prefer this to a timed possession, and trying to assault a base with 4 scrags spitting at you, plus the enemy team, sounds like pure chaos.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
YES! You win the points! Though... there' not worth anything, but that's correct.  Hooray, now I can finally pay my student lo--oh, wait. #ThatMillenialLife  If you ditch the bases it basically becomes Qball (Q1) or Catch the Chicken (from Q2). I never realized that's what both of those mods were. Nice to see that the idea persisted between games. The PS2 version of Quake III Arena had a similar mode as well. Now back to spoiler town. (...unless you're cool with dropping them?) Here's how this could get spicy. So let's say the score is 3 Blue to 2 Red. Blue picks up the roaming Scrag, but two of Red's attackers manage to steal two of Blue's Scrags. Blue captures the roaming Scrag and ends up with 2 points (Started with 3, add +1 from Roaming Scrag but -2 from Red's steal, netting 2), Red captures the two that were stolen from blue and brings their points to 4. That makes it 4 Red to 2 Blue. Since the scoring is dynamic it would make for some intense tug-of-war. I kind of prefer this to a timed possession, and trying to assault a base with 4 scrags spitting at you, plus the enemy team, sounds like pure chaos. You're spot on! I'm so excited by this idea that I'm half-way tempted to learn QuakeC and make the damn thing! That said, I really don't need to take on yet another project. :p (Maybe in the next year or so, though! And with your blessing, of course.)
I think playing to 5 points should be the upper limit. 2 or 3 sounds good for the minimum. I don't remember how many clients Quake can handle at once, but I'm guessing it won't scale well. Not to mention all of the eventual projectile spam, haha.
What are your thoughts on restricting the weaponry used by the player carrying the Scrag? I'm mostly against it, but I also think it would be kind of funny if the player had to use the Scrag to spit at other players until they can capture it.
Posts: 100
RnR Boss
OH wow i remember those days... im late to this party but when i red your post pho i was thinking the same thing the id shopping maul.
After a day of searching, some marines find their squad's missing mascot.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Ranger's random musings. I took his quotes from Quake Champions and, er... completed them. 
"You bastards! Why are you torturing me like this? I'm still waiting for my damned sequel!"
"This operation is falling apart.... kind of like my clothes after 20 years in the field."
"Kickin' a man when he's down? That's pretty low. I mean, it has to be. He's literally on the ground."
"I need to find a slipgate out of this place. To another place. That I'll be in."
"When you've been here this long, nothing and everything makes sense. Kind of like my voice lines."
"Too painful to be a dream. Too real to be a nightmare. Too broke to afford a chiropractor."
"Slipgates are closed. Gotta find another way home. Maybe I can hitchhike."
"Maybe my kingdom's finally come. I need a better real estate agent."
"Sometimes the world doesn't need another hero. It needs a Monster." *Pulls pop top and chugs*
"Surrender is not an option. I checked the brochure."
"Too much going on in my head. Can't focus. Damned kids and their Rick Rolls."
"Where have the portals taken me now? GlaDOS? Long time no see!"
"Lord give me strength. I'm fresh out of steroids."
"I seem them... all around us. Tentacles and teeth, within and beneath. Is this Japan?"
"Spent 20 years trying to get out. Not giving up now! Damn this zipper!"
"Been trying to get out 20 years... Not giving up now. Is there an echo in here?"
"I ain't got time to bleed. No... actually I can't duck."
"Surviving... One day at a time. Like everyone else."
"All these places are starting to bleed together. Did they merge the .bsp's?"
"'Put your back into it!' Coach always said. I don't think he meant wall spikes."
"'Put your back into it' Sarge always said. Thought I ditched that guy when I graduated."
"You can't keep me from getting home. I'm not allowed out after dark."
"Let's go you sons of bitches. God I hate walking the dogs."
"Your friends are going to have a hard time peeling you off the wall." *Throws another banana*
"Operation is running smooth as silk. Now for the funnybone..."
"Operation is runnin' smooth. God I love the sound of my voice."
"Everything is good to go. Shop Smart, shop S-Mart."
"Proud to serve. I still don't like tennis though."
"When you're 20 feet all and throwing lightning, then you can face me. If you can get through the doorway."
"Stay down, you disgraced yourself enough. I told you not to beg at the table."
"You disgraced yourself enough. Stay down this time. No, that's not a euphemism."
"Makin' momma proud. I folded the laundry all by myself."
"No no no you SHOOT with it! That's not a euphemism either!"
"I love the smell of gunpowder! I just did 3 lines. What do you mean, 'cancer'?"
"Ranger reporting! Call me a snitch again, I dare you..."
"I know a good slipgate to shove you in. #5 over there is trippy."
"I've been killing Monsters for ages. Beats using White Claws**."
"I've seen some shit. I'm ready for anything. Like new underwear. Seriously, it's been 20 years on the same pair."
"Time to get back in action. I mean, Duke got a sequel..."
**Let me know if you get this reference.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...