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 on: 2024-01-11, 00:11 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by Phoenix
Jennell Jaquays (formerly Paul Jaquays) of Id Software fame passed away today, from complications of Guillain-Barré syndrome.  Jannell was 67.


Please take a moment out of your day to reflect on her life and pay respects to a departed friend.  Farewell, Jennell.  You will be missed.  Slipgate - Sad

 on: 2023-12-10, 08:01 
Started by Makou - Last post by Makou
SIGIL II is live, and can be downloaded here.

Purchase link for the version with the THORR soundtrack appears to be missing completely but I'm sure that will be fixed soon enough.

 on: 2023-12-06, 10:21 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by RonicTH
Wow, you even had a Nightdive connection?! That's awesome.

But I still feel that there will be a port of Quake 3, for a few reasons: First, it's an online game, and the publisher loves online games, so they'll want to remaster it. Secondly, they will leave both the original parts in one launcher game (Quake 3 arena, Team arena), and they can put there little needed Quake Live.

And then, the publisher will be calmer when fans will get a working remaster working on modern machines without dancing with tambourines.

But what I have doubts about the remaster (and from that it will be sad for me) is not getting a remaster of Quake 4, which I wanted with all my heart, but.... reality is cruel.

 on: 2023-12-06, 06:15 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by Phoenix
I also want to add that I'm exploring the Quake3e engine as well as IOQuake3 at present due to someone introducing me to it and I'm actually kind of impressed with how freaking FAST Quake3e loads everything.  So... I might port to both engines because why not?

Regarding Nightdive and a possible Quake 3 KEX port, that's something completely in Id/thesda's court, and based on what discussions I've had with some people on the Nightdive team there's no publicly available information as to whether or not that would happen.  If it does I'm certainly not averse to cooperating with anyone in an official capacity for Generations to be compatible with a KEX port.  As it is, 99% of the logic for Gen resides within the .qvm logic, with only a few special considerations requiring direct modifications within the engine so having Nightdive port Gen from the current modified Q3A engine to a KEX build should not be difficult in theory.

We'll just have to wait see what happens down the line.
  Doom - Thumbs Up!

 on: 2023-12-06, 01:53 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by Makou
I don't think it's terribly likely that Nightdive does a port of Quake 3 for modern platforms, given that their work has largely been focused on obscure single-player titles; Quake and Quake 2 are the only real exceptions to that, and even those ports are most likely to have a single- rather than multi-player legacy in the long term.

Also, working as directly with Bethesda as that would immediately open up questions of legality that, especially with how things in the games industry work these days, would most likely result in a quick "no" at best, and a "you need to end your project right the frick now" at worst.

The better scenario, should KEX compatibility ever actually become a concern, would be for someone on their end to approach Wirehead about making sure the mod works with such a version, much like they did with various MegaWAD's for the Unity port of Doom. And while I won't presume to speak for Phoenix, being the only workhorse (work...bird?) of the project at this point, I doubt such a thing would push forward without some amount of actual compensation... and even then, I have my doubts.

 on: 2023-12-05, 19:55 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by RonicTH
Here's what I was thinking... Bethesda has already released 2 remasters of Quake (1 and 2). And what if Nightdive Studio will release a remaster for Quake 3? Just then in that case we could contact them to adapt Generations Arena on the KEX Engine, so that it would be easier to work with the mod.

 on: 2023-11-26, 18:54 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by Kajet
I'm not surprised but I don't mind, whatever makes the game the best it can be Doom - Thumbs Up!

 on: 2023-11-26, 18:52 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by Kajet
Kind of hard to believe it's been that long, I remember the first time playing it was... before HL2 came out and it was a little spooky because I didn't know what most of the non-human enemies were

 on: 2023-11-24, 16:46 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by FistMarine
Interesting news. I remember using IOQuake3 1.36 back in 2010 or so when I heard of it first time, though I only used it for a short period of time before I went back to the original Quake 3 executables (versions 1.11 and 1.32 worked the best for me) because I kinda preferred them more due to nostalgic reasons. I know that there are various projects that use IOQuake3 engine as base, such as OpenArena, Q3Rally and World of Padman.

Anyway, it looks like nowadays IOQuake3 has switched to Test Builds (the latest Windows build is from April 2021) and the original 1.36 installer is no longer available to download (don't worry, I still have those archived, yes even the Catch the Chicken one). I guess I should use IOQuake3 again, been quite nostalgic recently to revisit Quake 3 Arena, Team Arena and various maps/mods. So this might be an excuse to do it, though the original executables (at least 1.11 and 1.32, not the ones like 1.27 and 1.30) seem to work fine even on newer OSes such as Windows 10.

Good luck with adapting the IOQuake3 engine for Generations Arena. I'm guessing the IOQuake3 version being used as base is the latest one from the source code, right? Either way, I'm looking forward to the results in the future. Slipgate - Thumbs up!

 on: 2023-11-18, 03:00 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by Phoenix
Valve finally took a note from Id and gave the original Half-Life some love.  It's not a remaster, but some quality-of-life fixes for the original Half-Life.  It's also free, so if you have been living under a rock for the last 25 years or simply want to revisit the original but with some bug fixes and the ability to run properly under widescreen resolutions, now is your chance.

Did I mention it's free?

So go get it!  It's on Steam, of course.

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