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 on: 2024-06-20, 21:21 
Started by Makou - Last post by Kajet
So we got a chaingun that runs on ground up skulls and a gun that shoots giant nails that apparently impale stuff to walls...

Seems like Painkiller weaponry to me if I'm being honest.

 on: 2024-06-11, 06:31 
Started by Makou - Last post by Phoenix
Perhaps we'll see something announced at Quakecon this year.  Slipgate - Ninja

 on: 2024-06-11, 02:42 
Started by Makou - Last post by Makou
The more I think about this, the more I really, really feel like this should be a Quake game.

 on: 2024-06-10, 05:36 
Started by Makou - Last post by Phoenix
 Doomed Doom - Huh? Doom - Exclamation Doom - Love Doom - Thumbs Up!

 on: 2024-06-10, 02:34 
Started by Makou - Last post by Makou

Set somewhere between the Slayer's descent to hell after Doom 64 and the events of Doom 2016, apparently.

There's a chainsaw shield.

 on: 2024-02-22, 22:42 
Started by Makou - Last post by Kajet
Yeah it's pretty sad that there is content, even entire games that are completely lost. I recently found out about a part of Silent Hill Play Novel, the GBA visual novel version of the PS1 original, It had two paths on the cartridge itself, Harry Mason's being a retelling of the original game, and Cybil Bennett's a new viewpoint on those events, and available through a cellphone connected download was "A boy's story" that is mostly unknown other than it was split into four parts, corresponding to the seasons.

 on: 2024-02-16, 10:58 
Started by Phoenix - Last post by Phoenix
Ranger's random musings.  I took his quotes from Quake Champions and, er... completed them.  Slipgate - Smirk

"You bastards!  Why are you torturing me like this?  I'm still waiting for my damned sequel!"

"This operation is falling apart.... kind of like my clothes after 20 years in the field."

"Kickin' a man when he's down?  That's pretty low.  I mean, it has to be.  He's literally on the ground."

"I need to find a slipgate out of this place.  To another place.  That I'll be in."

"When you've been here this long, nothing and everything makes sense.  Kind of like my voice lines."

"Too painful to be a dream.  Too real to be a nightmare.  Too broke to afford a chiropractor."

"Slipgates are closed.  Gotta find another way home.  Maybe I can hitchhike."

"Maybe my kingdom's finally come.  I need a better real estate agent."

"Sometimes the world doesn't need another hero.  It needs a Monster." *Pulls pop top and chugs*

"Surrender is not an option.  I checked the brochure."

"Too much going on in my head.  Can't focus.  Damned kids and their Rick Rolls."

"Where have the portals taken me now?  GlaDOS?  Long time no see!"

"Lord give me strength.  I'm fresh out of steroids."

"I seem them... all around us.  Tentacles and teeth, within and beneath.  Is this Japan?"

"Spent 20 years trying to get out.  Not giving up now!  Damn this zipper!"

"Been trying to get out 20 years... Not giving up now.  Is there an echo in here?"

"I ain't got time to bleed.  No... actually I can't duck."

"Surviving... One day at a time.  Like everyone else."

"All these places are starting to bleed together.  Did they merge the .bsp's?"

"'Put your back into it!' Coach always said.  I don't think he meant wall spikes."

"'Put your back into it' Sarge always said.  Thought I ditched that guy when I graduated."

"You can't keep me from getting home.  I'm not allowed out after dark."

"Let's go you sons of bitches.  God I hate walking the dogs."

"Your friends are going to have a hard time peeling you off the wall." *Throws another banana*

"Operation is running smooth as silk.  Now for the funnybone..."

"Operation is runnin' smooth.  God I love the sound of my voice."

"Everything is good to go.  Shop Smart, shop S-Mart."

"Proud to serve.  I still don't like tennis though."

"When you're 20 feet all and throwing lightning, then you can face me.  If you can get through the doorway."

"Stay down, you disgraced yourself enough.  I told you not to beg at the table."

"You disgraced yourself enough.  Stay down this time.  No, that's not a euphemism."

"Makin' momma proud.  I folded the laundry all by myself."

"No no no you SHOOT with it!  That's not a euphemism either!"

"I love the smell of gunpowder!  I just did 3 lines.  What do you mean, 'cancer'?"

"Ranger reporting!  Call me a snitch again, I dare you..."

"I know a good slipgate to shove you in.  #5 over there is trippy."

"I've been killing Monsters for ages.  Beats using White Claws**."

"I've seen some shit.  I'm ready for anything.  Like new underwear.  Seriously, it's been 20 years on the same pair."

"Time to get back in action.  I mean, Duke got a sequel..."

**Let me know if you get this reference.

 on: 2024-02-11, 07:21 
Started by Makou - Last post by Phoenix
I'm all for preserving old games, whatever their original form of distribution was.  Doom - Thumbs Up!

 on: 2024-02-11, 05:31 
Started by Makou - Last post by Makou
I know we're mostly about PC-related matters here, but I really dig cool game preservation stories and feel like this kind of thing is worth sharing.

In brief: The Broadcast Satellaview was an add-on device for the Japanese Super Famicom that allowed subscribers to download games via satellite and save them on a form of flash media. Most of this data would be overwritten or otherwise lost before the ROM data could be dumped. This includes the specific subject here, BS F-Zero Grand Prix, specifically its second iteration, which is so almost certainly lost that the F-Zero community has a $5000 bounty on a working, dumpable cartridge of GP2.

But you can't stop a determined group from figuring out something, and something was figured out. Japanese console players have a history of recording gameplay that long predates the existence of services like YouTube and Twitch, and one such player happened to still have their VHS recordings of this game. They were uploaded to YT about five years ago. Someone eventually created tools that could do something with these recordings with a high level of accuracy, and the work started.

It is now as restored as it will ever be without the original ROM data, and it is fully playable.

And I just think that's neat.

A more detailed video on this game's history and the process of restoring its content can be found here.

 on: 2024-01-29, 04:29 
Started by Footman - Last post by Woodsman
Well to be fair to Romero it's not like the development of quake was some smooth process the only difference is Quake was dumbed down so there was less to screw up.

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